Chapter 12: Sports Festival Part 4

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3rd POV unless I say so

Miyo watched as Bakugo and Kirishima walked onto the stage. Both of them got into a fighting stance, ready to take the other on.

Present Mic: START!!

Both competitors ran straight towards each other. As they got close, Kirishima hardened his body and Bakugo launched an explosion at him. This repeated for a while until Kirishima's hardening began to crumble and fall off. Bakugo however, only had a nick here and there.
Bakugo sent a final blast into Kirishima, sending him out of the arena and claiming his win. They both walked off stage and one went back to his seat while the other went to Recovery Girl. Bakugo sat down in his seat while Miyo got out of hers, mumbling a goodbye as she left for the arena. She was up against Todoroki next, who could be a very tough opponent. His ice by itself was powerful, but now he had fire as well. Miyo had already used Banshō and since it took a lot of energy, she didn't want to have to use it again. While she was thinking about which shikigami to use, she seemingly bumped into a wall. She stepped back and looked up to see Endeavour.

Miyo: *mumble* S-sorry.

Endeavour: It's okay. Your fighting Shoto next, right?

Miyo hummed a response and nodded, unable to find her voice.

Endeavour: Don't bother trying to win. You'll only embarrass yourself more when he beats you.

Miyo stared at the man as he walked away, still not able to find her voice. He was a very intimidating man, almost as much as her father. If she hadn't loved with him for nine years she might have collapsed. She would've been fine if she was in her Nightshade costume, then she had weapons and was confident in her fighting. But at that moment she was acting as a shy and reclusive girl, and it had started to impact her real emotions. She quickly shook herself off as she ran to the arena in an attempt not to be late. Hopefully that interaction wouldn't impact her fight. She was soon walking onto the stage for the third time that day, hating it more with each time. Every time she came up there her and the other person were the centre of attention, that's why she kept her fights short. She was brought back to reality as Present Mic started the match, catching her slightly off guard.

Todoroki sent a wall of ice towards her as she summoned her Gyokuken Kon to break it with it's claws. Yeah, she used it a lot but she liked it. Some ice got through and trapped her leg, making her trip over. She quickly hid her shikigami in her shadow to make it look like she had released it and started fake-panting. She wanted to make it look like she was worn out from her previous matches to make Todoroki relax and drop his guard, and drop his guard he did as Miyo saw his muscles relax. She took the opportunity and concentrated on combining her shadow with the wall of ice's and sent Gyokuken Kon behind Todoroki. It jumped out of her shadow and she kicked up, freeing her leg. It grabbed Todoroki and she ran up to him before he could process what had just happened. He tried freezing her and Gyokuken Kon but she dodged and punched him in the face while her shikigami jumped back. He stumbled a bit before finally using his fire to fend her off as she went to attack again. She ducked under and kicked his chin hard enough to knock the average teenager out. He barely held on to consciousness as he fell to the floor and Miyo's shikigami threw him out of bounds where he finally gave. He fell asleep as some robots came out with a stretcher and Midnight announced her win. She only has whoever won the next fight left. Then she could lose and take second place. She would've lost this round too if Endeavour hadn't riled her up beforehand.

She walked up to Bakugo and sat down next to him as he congratulated her and left for his match. The next match was him and Tokoyami. When the match started, Bakugo did the same thing as all his previous fights and ran towards Tokoyami. The latter defended Bakugo's attacks with his quirk Dark Shadow, a bird-like shadow that came out of his stomach. It was always attached to him, which was bad as it couldn't dodge Bakugo's attacks quick enough. Dark Shadow's weakness was light, making Bakugo's explosions have him shy away and not powerful enough to protect its user. Tokoyami himself didn't have much combat experience, so he was practically useless in a fight. Needless to say, Bakugo won by holding Tokoyami by the beak while making small explosions in his free palm. Tokoyami gave up and they both walked back to their seats. There was a break in between the the second last and final match, leaving Bakugo and Miyo with some time to talk properly. They left to quickly get some food together before heading to a waiting room and eating while chatting idly. They talked about random stuff, school, classmates, cafes and other things. Miyo was mentioning a cafe she knew from going there with her friends from middle school (she didn't say the last part) when Present Mic announced that they had ten minutes before the next match. They quickly finished up and Miyo left to go to her waiting room. The match soon started, Miyo against Bakugo. She didn't want to fight him, but she knew that he'd be mad if she gave up without trying or half-assed it. It was easier to fight at the same level as before and pretend to slip up. They both got into fighting stances when Midnight explained they were starting soon.


They both charged at each other while Miyo summoned Nue and it hit Bakugo in the chest with it's wing, electrocuting him slightly. Not enough to hurt him, just to effect his movement a little. He nearly got a hit in but she released Nue and summoned Gamma to hold him back as she punched him square in the face. Bakugo was good though, and throughout their fight he managed to hit her a few times with explosions and she summoned various shikigami to defend and attack. Their match had lasted about fifteen minutes before Miyo 'accidentally' made a hand-sign wrong and Bakugo took the opportunity to blow her out of bounds. Midnight announced his win as he walked up to Miyo who had several burns and put out a hand for her to grab while cradling his almost fractured left hand. Miyo took his hand and he pulled her to her feet, making the crowd livid. They both went to Recovery Girl since they had multiple injuries on both sides and the nurse healed them with a kiss to each of them. Bakugo was talking about how the crowd was probably thinking he had 'gone soft or some other crap' when Recovery Girl told them to head off to the podiums to receive their medals. All Might was the one handing out the awards, which made Miyo nervous without knowing why, but she persisted through the awards ceremony. She tensed up when he hugged her but he noticed and kept it short.

The ceremony quickly ended, allowing the students to go home. Miyo was grateful when she was walking home with Bakugo. She was tired from Recovery Girl's healing since it required stamina to heal someone and from her lack of sleep and food. She still managed to get home and into her room before something was thrown at her. She quickly did some homework and got ready for bed, deciding to skip her patrol tonight. She did one two nights ago anyway, and had stayed home longer before so it was fine. She'd do it tomorrow.

Hello, do you like the fact that Miyo almost has a friend now? You better hope I'm in a good mood for the next couple of chapters and not decide to ruin this for her. Man, being an author is fun. I get to ruin fictional people's lives and real people's day. I probably won't though. Probably. Anyway, see you next chapter!

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