Chapter 11: Sports Festival Part 3

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3rd POV unless I say so

Miyo and Kaminari looked at each other, one calm and one grinning from ear to ear.

Kaminari: Hey, Fushiguro. You wanna go grab a bite to eat after this?

Presesnt Mic: Third match! START!!

Kaminari: I'll comfort you after I win!

Miyo summoned Datto as Kaminari sent over 1 million volts of electricity her way. While he was distracted, she summoned Banshō (Max Elephant), a very recent addition to her shikigami collection. Banshō sent out a massive amount of water towards Kaminari as Miyo released Datto and Kaminari released all of the electricity he had stored up due to the water. Even if he didn't, it had enough force to push him out of bounds. Miyo, who managed not to get wet or be in the water so she didn't get electrocuted, released Banshō and left the stage as Midnight announced her win. She rushed back to her seat, hoping to see who won the next fight. It was Iida and Hatsume, the latter of which was showing off all of her gadgets as she played a game of cat and mouse with Iida. It made sense that she would want to grab the attention of big developers, her being from the support course after all, and Iida just caught up in her scheme. After ten minutes of toying with him, she finished showing her 'babies' and stepped out of the arena, leaving Iida almost crying in frustration.

Guess I'm facing Iida next, Miyo thought with a shrug. She watched the next couple of fights, hoping for Bakugo to win his at the end. He was against Uraraka. When the match started, she rushed at him while keeping her body low and her hands ready. She needed to touch something to make it float, so Miyo immediately assumed that she was aiming for Bakugo. She soon realised her true plan, partially because Bakugo could still move well in the air and would likely beat her regardless. Bakugo had made a smokescreen with all of the explosions, most of them hitting their target. The crowd started booing at him, yelling things about him toying with her and asking why he didn't finish the fight if there was such a power difference. Miyo got slightly angry at this, but Aizawa quickly stopped the crowds.

Aizawa: To all of you pro heroes booing at Bakugo, please quit your jobs immediately. He has acknowledged his opponent, who has made it this far into the festival despite the 200 plus other students, and he is being cautious towards her. It would be worse to underestimate your opponent rather than overestimate, and Bakugo knows this. So kindly shut the hell up.

Miyo was more than satisfied with Aizawa's commentary, but hadn't stopped paying attention to the fight. Even while he was talking the students were still at it. Finally, Uraraka released her quirk and hundreds of pieces of debris fell from the sky. While Bakugo was making explosions, she kept her body low to get him to aim at the ground and allow her to touch the broken chunks. It was all for naught though, as Bakugo had simply made an explosion large enough to cover most of the stadium and blew all of the debris to dust. Uraraka was flung away by the sheer force, leaving her lying on the ground. She tried crawling back to Bakugo, but soon went unconscious and Midnight announced Bakugo's win. Miyo then watched as Bakugo walked off the stage and Uraraka was taken away on a stretcher. She felt bad for her, but was still exited about Bakugo's win. He was the closest person she had to a friend, even if he was a bit loud and angry all, if not most, of the time. She quietly called out to him as he walked back to their seats, beckoning for him to sit next to her. He obliged, sitting down with a huff.

Kirishima: Hey, good job Baku-bro!

Kaminari: Yeah, you did great!

Bakugo just grumbled and huffed, waiting for them to leave him alone. After they left Miyo congratulated him quietly.

Miyo: You were really good out there.

Bakugo's face softened at her voice. It was only by a little bit but she still noticed. They quietly watched as Midoriya and Todoroki faced each other in the arena. Midoriya was shouting at Todoroki while breaking his ice with his quirk, also breaking his fingers. They were too far away for anyone to hear what they were saying, but after a few minutes and a few more badly broken fingers, Todoroki smiled as fire enveloped his left side. Bakugo tensed while Endeavour, Todoroki's father, shouted encouragement from his seat. It wasn't cheering encouragement though, he was shouting something about a tantrum and Todoroki becoming a stronger version of him but Miyo couldn't hear most of it through her hands that were covering her ears at the noise. She had very sensitive ears due to her vigilante work, making loud noises a weakness of hers. After her ears recovered, she had to block them again as Midoriya and Todoroki launched massive attacks at each other, causing an explosion. After her adrenaline died down, she realised that there was another pair of hands on top of hers. She looked to her right to see Bakugo look at her fearful eyes with an almost worried expression. He must have noticed her cover her ears when Endeavour piped up, and decided that this was definitely too loud for her. She was too busy looking at the trickle of blood coming out of his own ears to notice that Todoroki had won and Midoriya was unconscious and out of bounds. Midnight stuttered as she announced Todoroki's win, allowing him to walk off the stage as once again, the other was put on a stretcher and taken to Recovery Girl.

Miyo: Bakugo, your ears!

Bakugo: It's fine, my own explosions do worse.

Miyo: You should still probably go to Recovery Girl after she's done with Midoriya.

Bakugo: I'm damn fine!

Miyo: Please?

Bakugo: *huff* Fine.

Miyo: Thank you.

As they were clearing up the stage, Midoriya came back and Bakugo and Miyo greeted him before going to Recovery Girl. When they walked in, Miyo explained what had happened to the heroine while she gave Bakugo a kiss to heal him. They quickly rushed back and Miyo split off from Bakugo to rush to her match with Iida. She made it just in time, walking onto the stage with Iida on the other side.

Present Mic: START!!

Iida rushed at Miyo with his quirk while the latter summoned Gyokuken: Kon.

(T/N Gyokuken: Kon is Demon Dog: Totality)

One of her Gyokuken had been destroyed in the USJ attack, and while she couldn't summon a shikigami after it was destroyed, she could give it's attributes to another. While training before the festival, she had found this out and merged the two, creating Gyokuken Kon. It was almost twice the height of her while standing on it's hind legs, with massive claws and an almost human-like stance. It stared at Iida before grabbing his leg as he kicked the wolf, it's claws more than touching each other as it tried to throw him out of bounds. To an opponent, the wolf looked almost out of a nightmare.

(Here's a picture because why not)

(Here's a picture because why not)

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(Ain't he cute?)

Iida quickly recovered and ran back towards the duo, this time aiming for Miyo. She just casually dodged his leg as it went faster than a race car, making it look like it was effortless as she rammed her elbow into the base of his neck and Gyokuken Kon grabbed him again and threw him out of bounds.

Midnight: I-Iida is out of bounds! Fushiguro Wins!

Miyo released Gyokuken Kon and left the stage, bowing to Iida before she left. He bowed back and walked off his own side, clutching the spot on his neck where she struck him. When Miyo got back to her seat, she didn't see Iida there. Apparently, he had to leave due to family matters. She frowned when she heard this as she wanted to apologise for hitting him so hard, but her frown lifted into a small smile as she saw Bakugo. She sat down next to him, watching as Tokoyami and Ashido started the next match.

Bakugo: Hey, Fushiguro.

Miyo looked at him with a gentle smile as he looked away.

Bakugo: Good job beating Four-Eyes back there.

Miyo: Thanks.

The match had ended by then, Tokoyami won.

Miyo: You're up next. Good luck!

Bakugo: Sure.


Hello, I'm sorry to say that this'll need a part four😅 Also, I was going to make Bakugo's nickname for Miyo 'Hairpin' but decided that she was tolerable to him. I was going to say something else here but I forgot. Hopefully it wasn't important! Anyway, see you next chapter!

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