Chapter 4: Hero Training

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3rd POV unless I say so

On the third day of school, they announced that they had hero training. All Might was teaching this class, and even though he was the no. 1 hero, Miyo still felt nervous and somewhat unsafe around him. She couldn't quite place it, it was like he was dangerous and had taken something important from her, but she didn't know why or what. She just knew. She was still pondering this as they had gotten changed into their hero costumes, when one of the girls had started talking to her. It was a pink haired and skinned girl with horns. Her name was Ashido, if Miyo remembered correctly.

Ashido: Fushiguro, is that your hero costume? It looks a little... plain.

Miyo's hero costume was a simple dark navy skintight jumpsuit that slipped over her shirt and pants with black sleeves, and holsters on her lower back for a pair of collapsible butterfly bow blades ( I know I gave these to Michi in my other book, but I really like them, ok?).

Miyo: It's fine. I'm planning on being an underground hero, so wearing something flashy and colourful would just draw more attention to me.

Ashido: Oh, an underground hero? Like Aizawa-sensei? But you have such an amazing quirk, I'm sure you'd be really popular.

Miyo: That's kind of the reason I want to be an underground hero. I don't like attention, but I still want to save people.

Miyo finished changing and left the locker rooms before the conversation could continue. The others soon followed, heading towards ground beta, one of the replica cities that UA had on it's property. Where the principal had gotten the money, nobody knows. Nobody even knew what he was and had just settled on a mouse-dog-bear hybrid. Miyo looked around at all the other costumes, noting the creativity in some of them and their usefulness. She could have sworn that Midoriya's was meant to mimic All Might, with a large white mask that looked like a grin and two rabbit ear-like things sticking out the top of his hood, when All Might began to explain what they were doing.

They were meant to be paired randomly into teams of two and have 2v2 indoor battles, one team acting as heroes and the other team acting as villains. The hero team could win by capturing both members of the villain team or retrieving the paper-mache nuke before the timer ran out, and the villain team could win by capturing the hero team or defending the nuke until their time was up. Miyo was on the villain team with Yaoyorozu against Kaminari and Jiro. Yaoyorozu's quirk was Creation, allowing her to create various atoms from lipids in her body and using them to create many kinds of objects. Kaminari could emit lightning and Jiro had earphone jacks on her earlobes, allowing her to project the sound of her heartbeat to eardrum bursting levels and listen to quiet sounds by plugging them into the walls or ground.

The first round was Midoriya and the Zero-gravity girl called Uraraka vs Bakugo and the navy blue haired boy called Iida. Bakugo could sweat a nitroglycerine-like substance and ignite it from his palms to make explosions and Iida had engines on his legs that allowed him to run fast and kick hard. Midoriya and Uraraka won, Uraraka was extremely nauseous by he end of it as a result of making herself float and Midoriya had passed out from his injuries and had to be taken to the nurse's office. He had broken one arm using his quirk and had severe burns on the other, as well as small burns on the rest of his body. Miyo felt bad for him, as she had burn scars on her left arm after her mother had forcibly pressed it against a stove while it was on after she dropped a vase. They hurt a lot. He and Bakugo seemed to know each other since before coming to UA, but Midoriya always seemed scared of him. Miyo guessed that he was bullied by Bakugo, and with Bakugo's quirk he would be burnt regularly. After the three remaining students had gathered in front of the class, All Might asked who had done the best and Yaoyorozu have a detailed answer about how it was Iida, making the boy very happy.

When it was finally Miyo and Yaoyorozu's turn, they won easily. Miyo had summoned Nue and had it hide in her shadow, gotten a three inch thick electricity proof blanket and put it with Nue, then left to go search for the hero team as Yaoyorozu made a speaker and noise-cancelling headphones to overload Jiro's hearing. It was a little bit hard to move as anything inside of Miyo's shadow made her shadow weigh more, but she still found Kaminari and Jiro as the latter was on the ground, covering her ears. Miyo quickly took the blanket out of her shadow and covered herself with it before letting Nue out. Kaminari didn't know about Nue's electrified wings, so he tried to zap it with electricity, but Nue got there first and hit him with one of it's wings. The electricity got out of control, and Miyo had to release Nue before it got destroyed. If one of her shikigami is destroyed, with the exceptions of Gamma and Datto, she can't summon them again. Kaminari soon became stupid since he used a large amount of electricity, leaving Miyo to easily tie him and Jiro up. Yaoyorozu quickly came and found her and helped her bring the pair outside to the teachers. Another success.


Hello, it is currently almost midnight. I don't know why I do this to myself, but I don't have anything important going on tomorrow so I might as well. Good night and see you next chapter!

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