Chapter 24: What Do I Do Now?

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3rd POV unless I say so

The next morning, Nightshade woke up in a strange room. It only had a futon and a small bathroom connected to it. The door was locked. The balcony had some kind of invisible barrier stopping anyone from jumping off or escaping. She noticed that she also had a quirk-suppression cuff on her wrist next to her wire bracelets. Great. It looked early, a little after seven. Hopefully, nobody noticed she was gone and she still had time to get home if she figured out how to get away from here. Her parents likely wouldn't report her as missing to the police even if they did find out. Somebody knocked on the door, slightly startling her. She was a little jumpy and cautious due to her circumstances but called out to let them in. It was Era-Aizawa.

Aizawa: Good morning, Nightshade.

Nightshade: Good morning, Erasure.

Aizawa: Ready to take off your mask?

She shook her head.

Aizawa: You need breakfast.

Nightshade: I can and have gone days without food at a time. I'll be fine.

Aizawa: *sigh* Do you want me to show you around the building? You'll be spending most of your time in here but there will be times when you need to go out. More stuff will be put in the room later depending on your decision of what to do with you.

Nightshade: I wouldn't mind staying in here, but fine.

Aizawa showed her around a bit, taking her to the kitchen, laundry, living room, etc. It was kind of like a large, western style house or a mansion. She liked that it wasn't Japanese style at all, aside from the entrance where you put your shoes. There were a couple pairs there, Nightshade guessed most of the teachers hadn't moved in yet. When they got back to her room, Aizawa asked if she would take off her mask again but she said no. He asked if she wanted anything and she just said a sketchpad and pencil. A few minutes later, he came back and handed them to her before leaving. Nightshade was glad she had something to stop her from going insane. Well, any more than she already was. She started sketching random people but was careful not to draw anyone that could be traced back to her. She just made up oc's and drew random objects. Her drawings were quite good too, not exactly realistic but not cartoon-like either. Kind of like a more detailed anime style. Aizawa came back at lunchtime to see the book almost full and asked if she wanted lunch. She said no again. He asked if she was considering Nezu's options for her and she said she'd think about it. She was avoiding it, but she knew they'd find out her identity one way or another so she spent the next couple of hours wondering what she should do. She did come to a decision, but didn't tell Aizawa. She wanted to be absolutely sure this was what she wanted.

The next morning when Aizawa asked if she was ready to take off her mask, she said yes. She pulled out a small key from a zipped pocket on the inside of her jumper and brought it to her face. She fiddled around a bit before finding the keyhole and twisting the key once it was inside.

Nightshade: Okay. Just to warn you, you probably won't be very happy with this.

With that, she lifted the mask and pulled off her hood.

Aizawa: Fushiguro?

Miyo smiled sheepishly at her teacher.

Miyo: Yup, that's me.

Aizawa stared at her in disbelief. His student was a vigilante he had been chasing for over two years. She was bullied and abused by her family. All of her friends had died. His student tried to commit suicide. He ran up to her and hugged her. She let him. It felt odd, but nice. They broke apart and he held her shoulders while staring into her eyes.

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