Chapter 19: The Calm Before the Storm

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Trigger warning: May contain sensitive topics such as death, sex, profanity, suicide, self-harm, drugs, alcohol, mental health, sexuality, etc. There might be depictions or references to sexual harassment. Please be guided accordingly and read at your own risk.

The pitch black sky was the perfect canvas glittered with stars and a few thin sheets of clouds. Glowing in its exquisite glory was the full moon, the delicate gleam that adorned its canvas. The wind howled into the quiet steady air, filling the wind with its gentle melody. There was an eerie silence that cloaked Drakwald, wrapping the forest in a pseudo kind of peace.

But gleeful laughter erupted from the Hudson Mansion, echoing within the walls that used to be filled with either silence or anger.

Huddled in the living room were Emilia and Aurora, with those bright smiles adorning their lips. Freshly brewed tea and pastries were laid out on the center table, prepared for the two women as requested by Emilia. It was quite a day for them, spending the majority of the day going from one boutique to another in preparation for the upcoming ball that the Hudson Family was hosting.

"Are you sure that the one we picked for me fits me?" Aurora asked as an innocent pout settled on her lips as she shifted on her seat to better look at Emilia, who was sipping on her tea.

Light ash locks fell on her back like light a faint golden waterfall with a sliver of silver. She then set her cup back on the table before she leaned against the sofa's backrest as she faced Aurora, placing a hand on the other's knee. "Oh please. That color on you? You looked gorgeous when you tried it on. We just need to style your hair."

Aurora brushed her fingers through her golden locks, trying to smoothen them down. "You'll really do my hair? What about yours?" she asked, slightly tilting her head to the side. "And do you need any help with the small alteration on your dress?"

Emilia's features brighten even more at that, letting out a squeal. "I can do the alteration but it would be nice if you can check it when I try it on again and we can experiment on our respective hairstyles. What do you think?" There was a joyful sparkle in Emilia's eyes with a tinge of an expectant gleam.

Aurora returned the smile with the same glimmer in her eyes, excitement flowing through her veins. "I would love that. I'm not that knowledgeable with fashion and style since we didn't have much of that but I'm glad that we're doing this," she beamed.

A series of giggles swirled around the two females, creating warm energy that brightened the atmosphere in the house. The sunny vibe filled the house which finally made it feel a bit more like home. It could simply be the excitement for the event that was seeping through the gaps of their lips, or maybe the feminine energy that oozed as Emilia and Aurora talked about fashion and style—a topic that was not commonly mentioned in the house, considering that Emilia was the only female family member and she was surrounded by her father and brother.

Both Emilia and Aurora were chirpy as they excitedly talked about more things other than the upcoming ball. After spending time together, they built a bond that grew stronger every day. From an unlikely alliance, it grew into something closer to the likes of being twins. Despite the differences that they shared, they were alike in the most important aspects such as their determination and beliefs.

Engrossed in their conversation, they did not notice that a pair of eyes were looking in their direction with both surprise and confusion. Eli had a brief introduction as to how Emilia initially was towards Aurora but, for some reason, that was not what he was seeing in front of him. The two women looked like they were having so much fun that they were not noticing anyone around them.

It was not until the night got deeper that Aurora finally slipped inside Eli's bedroom, where she found him looking out the window.

"Hey, there..." Aurora greeted, a soft smile on her lips as she walked in his direction. The happiness that she felt when she bonded with Emilia was still etched on Aurora's face, and she would love for it to stay a bit longer. It was the kind of rush that she did not normally feel before and feeling it then made her feel a bit attached to it.

Turning his head to face her, the faint glow of the moonlight peered through the drapes and cast a silvery beam on the gentle smile that adorned Eli's face. "Hey." He stretched out his arm and reached for her arm. "I feel like I've been so busy lately that I don't get to spend time with you," he said, his voice a little apologetic.

A soft chuckle escaped her rosy lips, gently touching his arm. "But I did enjoy being able to do anything and I get to bond with Emilia, too," her sweet yet teasing tone dripped along with her words as a playful smile glossed her lips.

"Emilia, huh? That's nice to hear." He nodded ever so slightly. A certain curiosity glistened in his eyes that also glided across his lips, gently tugging on his tongue. "I want to—" Emilia's and Hayden's names dangled at the tip of Eli's tongue but he swallowed the letters as he pushed a smile to his lips. "Come here." He snaked his arms around Aurora's waist, pulling her closer to him. The citrus scent of pheromones washed over him like a gentle blanket that wrapped him in its intoxicating embrace.

Eli carefully cradled Aurora's cheek in his strong hand with their eyes locked as the moonlight reflected in their orbs. He dipped his head and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. A comforting warmth spread across their stomachs as their rosy brims moved in sync, like a well-choreographed dance.

And in that kiss, they spoke to each other as if they were speaking a different language that only they could understand.

The sky was clear, darker than pitch, with the stars sparkling and the moon glowing brighter. The rustle of the trees and the whistle of the evening breeze blended in a medley of nature's music, humming a song that could never be heard anywhere but within the shadows of Drakwald.

Moonlight against Eli's silver fur made it look even more divine, almost ethereal. His large and strong physique was even more accentuated by the shadows that the trees cast over him, emphasizing his dominant features. On the other hand, Aurora's fur seemed like strands of gold as the faint glow of the full moon enunciated the softness of her visage.

His strong husky howl married with her sweet honeyed tone, joining the orchestra of sounds that danced in the evening air that merged with the pungent smell of their pheromones, that mixed with the delicate scent of vanilla. The soft rays of the moonlight glow followed their graceful and steady movements, underlining the way they moved as one as if they were truly connected when they make every turn and every leap.

Reaching a small hill with a large tree, they circled it for a while before they settled down with their bodies snuggled up to each other. The full moon was the faint spotlight that glowed against their fur. And with every fleeting second, they slowly transformed into their human forms in a mess of tangled limbs.

Eli's arms snaked around Aurora's waist, pulling her closer. The scent of her pheromones filled his senses as he pressed a soft kiss on top of her head.

On the other hand, a darker film shadowed Aurora's features as an apologetic haze etched itself on her eyes as she placed an arm over Eli. Despite the soft and sweet air that surrounded the two, there was a thick tension that loomed over Drakwald, like a brewing storm that had yet to announce itself.

"I'm sorry."

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