Chapter 26: Kisses for Answers

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Trigger warning: May contain sensitive topics such as death, sex, profanity, suicide, self-harm, drugs, alcohol, mental health, sexuality, etc. There might be depictions or references to sexual harassment. Please be guided accordingly and read at your own risk.

The earthy scent of wood tangled with the sweet yet tangy aroma of citrus in the air, swirling in a mix of desire and longing. There was a hint of gentleness laced with a hint of playfulness that coursed through their veins like sunshine and thirst. The warm familiarity wrapped them in an embrace that they knew they could not escape from, a grip that had them both in a chokehold.

Aurora lightly had his ear's helix between her teeth, her tongue gliding at the curve of his ear. It was more sensual with a playful display of violence, some kind of instinctive action born from the desire that was burning at the pit of her stomach. The sight of Eli in a suit, promising to take care of her and make everything go away, made her feel like she could conquer anything. It was also a reassurance that he had her back and that, maybe, her feelings were not unrequited at all.

It had been a challenge to do her mission without being emotionally involved when all that she had been feeling lately was a sense of acceptance and belongingness, mainly because both Emilia and Eli had been nothing but welcoming to her. Despite starting off on the wrong foot, hostility ruling their first encounters, it all gradually changed. The tension in the air slowly dissipated and they were left with friendship and warmth that she had never known before.

The small flirtatious bite on his ear was an action that she knew would trigger something within him, maybe fuel the beast that had been quite tame in the past days or weeks, too busy to inspect the woods ever since the attacks, too tired to spare a touch or a kiss. But their scents mingling with each other, intoxicating them with their addicting fragrance that had grown more pungent, heightened their desires. It was a gentle burn that grew frantic, starting from the pit of their stomachs and then slowly spreading through their entire bodies.

Eli placed his hands on either of her knees, his thumb gingerly tracing circles on her bare skin, smoothly gliding his hands upwards. Her thigh's soft skin felt flawless against his palm, savoring the closeness that he had not felt in quite a while. He was guilty that he spent less time with Aurora ever since the attacks, always inspecting the parameters and constantly at his father's beck and call. And he missed being able to touch and hold Aurora. He always cherished their moments together and he wished to have more of them.

His hands reached her rear, through her dress' layers of fabric, lifting her a little so she could take the hint which she eventually did. He had her settle on his lap, resting his hands on her waist as he pulled her down against him. It was already clear that he did not want her to leave, just wishing for her to stay with him. Despite the circumstances that they were in, all he wanted was her.

Aurora had her cuffed hands behind his neck, playing with the soft silver tips of his hair. Her lips started to trail from the back of his ear to the curve of his neck, soft delicate kisses that she left as if telling him just how much she missed him. It was the dominant feeling within her that bubbled to the surface, making itself known.

But there was also that curiosity, questions that she wished to ask but did not have the chance to, and maybe the chance was what was in front of her. She shifted on his lap, making him groan due to the friction that her movement caused. "Eli," she whispered, her lips softly resting against the skin of his neck.

"Hmm?" he hummed, taking a deep breath as he was trying to even his breathing. The proximity was doing all sorts of things to him, not knowing what he could do to ease the frantic beats and knocks inside his chest. No amount of mental notes and proper breathing was doing the trick. All he knew was that he could not get enough of her. He pressed his lips against her shoulder, dragging a sloppy kiss across.

Trailing feathery kisses up to the back of his ear, she whispered, "Why didn't you follow me in the woods?" Her mind was slowly getting hazy as she tried to ask more about the things that happened earlier that night. Maybe in this kind of state, their defenses and walls lowered, he might say something she could use.

"I realized that Emilia decided to help you and I know she had a reason to do so, but that doesn't mean I'm okay with it." Although he tried sounding firm, he could not help but fall under the spell that she had cast, the spell that came from the sweet scent that came from her and only her.

A soft smile settled on her lips as she pulled away from his neck. She let her gaze fall on his face, admiring the softness that played on his features. While there was still a flame burning in his eyes, there was a hint of gentleness that danced in his pupils, the kind that was only reserved for one person. It was just for Aurora.

"Speaking of, how did you even convince Emilia to help you?" he asked. Despite the curiosity that was spreading across his chest, his gaze was on her lips. He reached out and cradled her face in his strong grip, making her lean down so he could take her lips in his. It was not rushed or intense. It was more intimate and firm as if he was claiming her without having to say it at all.

Aurora returned his kisses, pulling away only to catch her breath. Despite the slow pace of the kiss, it was breathtaking the way he kissed her but she returned it with the same fervor. But she did not give him a proper answer at all. "It's my charm, sweetheart," she said, her tone a saccharine proof of it as she shot him a bewitching wink.

"And what about Emilia and Hayden?" he asked. It was a question that had been plaguing his mind for the longest time but he was just getting around it then, not knowing if he was really prepared for the possible answer. But he needed the truth.

Once again, Aurora just smiled. "Now, that's something you should ask her. That's not mine to tell." Despite the situation, despite her captor being Emilia's father and brother, she was not going to disclose that story as she knew it was Emilia's to tell.

Taking a deep breath, Eli parted his lips as if to say something but a loud shout from the neighboring room cut through the intimate silence that wrapped around him and Aurora. A part of him wanted it to be strangers but the voices were more than familiar, voices that he hears on a daily basis, screaming at the top of their lungs with anger seeping through their tones.

Glancing back at Aurora, an apologetic look settled on his face. And Aurora knew what it meant. Even in silence, they had an understanding that not a lot probably had, and they were glad to have it.

With a nod, Aurora unmounted his lap and settled back on her chair. Soft gaze followed him as he left her cell, leaving her door open.

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