Chapter 39: Welcome Home

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Trigger warning: May contain sensitive topics such as death, sex, profanity, suicide, self-harm, drugs, alcohol, mental health, sexuality, etc. There might be depictions or references to sexual harassment. Please be guided accordingly and read at your own risk.

The streets were slick with struggle and the air seemed warmer on the other side of Drakwald, where Blood Rage resides. It was darker and far more gritty in comparison to the luster and glamor of Grey Shadow's territory.

There was a sense of familiarity that washed over Aurora as she stood in front of the dilapidated arc that stood in front, bearing the badly worn engraving of Blood Rage's name. She had been gone for quite a while but nothing seemed to have changed. It was almost like everything was the way she left it, and it was she who changed.

As the sole of her boots crunched the gravel and pebbles under it, Aurora could feel curious gazes on her. She knew that it was most likely because of what she was wearing―an outfit that she had managed to borrow from the headquarters before she set out to go to Blood Rage's territory, her hometown. Surprisingly enough, they stopped staring at her when they realized that she knew where she was going, which meant that she was one of them.

The establishments that lined up the streets had grown shabby and dingy. An old food stall was in tatters but a lot still lined up in the hopes of getting a slab of meat or, at least, a piece in order to satisfy their hunger. It had always been a struggle for the pack to be able to gather enough food to feed everyone, hoping that there was even enough.

It was indeed different from Aurora's experience with Grey Shadow as it was fairly easy to have access to food. There was always more than enough and yet they took it for granted, which Aurora saw in every party she had been to. If only they knew how scarce it was in Blood Rage, maybe that would help them appreciate all the resources that they were blessed with and the luxuries that they have within reach.

Despite the below-par circumstances that Blood Rage lived in, there had always been that warm sense of community that made everyone feel strong and united. And seeing it again somewhat eased the anxiety that was festering in the pit of Aurora's stomach. But a part of her still wondered if anyone else knew what happened in that cave, or if anyone else she knew was involved in the creation of the potion.

There were still so many questions but she had a strong hunch that she was going to find answers there.

As she aimlessly walked around the streets that she used to walk on every single day, she was welcomed by a lot of familiar landmarks and establishments that hit her with a wave of nostalgia that made her feel a bit sentimental. Flashes of images from her past blurred in her mind, riding the tides of both the nostalgia and the lurking betrayal at the back of her head. It was as if her feet just knew where to go even if her mind was wandering somewhere else, back in Grey Shadow where she left her heart.

Coming to a halt, her gaze lifted, and found herself looking at a humble cottage. It looked like it was in a decent enough condition except for the flimsy door. But it still radiated the same warmth as it used to when the family was still complete and living in it without much worry. Their lives were somewhat peaceful and simple enough to last for their entire lifetime. It was not until they were dragged into the project and the mission that stress and pressure made their way into the house.

The rickety floor creaked under her feet as she took a step inside, scanning the house as if looking for any clue that could hint at anything related to the potion and the mission. She expertly made her way around the living room, checking the cabinets and drawers, but failed to find anything. Making a turn, she found the room that her mother treated as her study.

The desk was covered with a lot of papers as folders piled on the side. Just by the look of it, Aurora was sure that it would take her some time to go through everything. Sitting on the creaky chair, she leaned forward and started to quickly scan paper after paper, collecting them into a more organized pile.

Despite being quick to absorb information that was necessary for a mission or a plan to be executed, Aurora was not entirely well-versed in the Science field and so there were quite a bit of unfamiliar words that she could not pick up from the array of jargon that was spread across the pages. But one thing stood out the most, it was Bonnie Cyrus.

Aurora recognized the name. She knew it all too well. Bonnie Cyrus was one of her mentors after all.

A heavy feeling settled on top of her heart, hoping that her gut feeling was wrong, that Bonnie was somewhat involved in the whole scheme and got Caroline, Jinia, and Aurora to do the dirty work. It was still a theory until proven but it was a brewing betrayal that made her head hurt.

Nursing the sudden headache, she made her way out of the house and started to trudge on the path to the laboratory where Bonnie usually was, Aurora could just hope that she did not make a mistake because she really needed to have some answers in her hands, at least, before the day ends.

Although Aurora almost got lost, she was able to find her way to the laboratory.

Just like any other place in town, it was dingy. It was a bit far from the town proper, perfectly secluded from any peering eyes that could possibly snoop. And yet Aurora was there to do exactly that.

Her heart started to pound loudly, frantic beats mirrored the racing thoughts that filled her head. Everything just felt like a thin thread that she had to carefully walk on if she wanted to get to the bottom of it. But she knew just how unprepared she was, only equipped with a hunch and questions that needed some clarity.

Raising her arm, she aimed to knock on the door but as she stepped closer, she realized that there was a small gap. Whoever went in or out had forgotten to fully pull the door close. Lucky enough for Aurora, she could get in unannounced which would get her the upper hand since Bonnie would not know of Aurora's presence.

Carefully, she pushed the door open and closed it in the same manner. Every step was calculated not to make a sound as she tried to find her way around the maze-like halls. At the farthest end of the hall, she was able to see a faint glow coming from a room. Realizing that it could be Bonnie, she quickened her steps.

Barging inside, she stands at the doorway with determination coursing her veins. And she was right. Standing over a counter was Bonnie in her laboratory gown, a pen in hand as she started to scribble on a piece of paper.

Sensing Aurora's presence, Bonnie snapped her head in the direction of the door only to see a certain blonde that she had dreaded seeing. "Well, if it isn't Aurora Dyer." She let out a humorless chuckle, clicking her pen before setting it down on the counter. Bony fingers brushed through her red hair as she faced the blonde. "You didn't even have the courtesy to knock."

Aurora rolled her eyes as she took further steps. They were closing their gap and the tension was thick in the air. While Aurora was only working on a hunch that she had, Bonnie already had something concrete to make her despise the woman in front of her. It had been boiling in the pit of her stomach since she found out that Aurora was associating herself with the son of Grey Shadow's Alpha.

"I'm just here to get some answers, Bonnie. I'll be out of your hair before you know it," she said, placing a hand on her hip. There was a small huff at the end of her sentence.

Raising a brow, Bonnie let out another humorless chuckle as she shook her head. "After you got yourself involved with those Grey Shadows, do you really think I'll tell you anything? You've already pledged your loyalty to them. You're already one of them."

Aurora furrowed her brows. "I just want to know about the potion, okay? Is it true that Blood Rage made it and not Grey Shadow?" she asked, pressing her lips together when she felt herself starting to fume in anger. The mere thought was more than enough to fuel the frustration and betrayal that was festering underneath her skin. It had been consuming her since she found out that she knew the only way to silence the thoughts was to finally find out the truth from someone who truly knew.

But it looked like Bonnie was not interested in talking at all. Her nostrils were flaring as she discreetly reached out for a syringe on the counter. Wrapping her fingers around the strong glass, she lunged at Aurora.

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