Chapter 40: Potion 2.0

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Trigger warning: May contain sensitive topics such as death, sex, profanity, suicide, self-harm, drugs, alcohol, mental health, sexuality, etc. There might be depictions or references to sexual harassment. Please be guided accordingly and read at your own risk.

The sun beamed brightly as the clouds were scattered across the vast blue sky. The heat was something Blood Rage had always been used to, but it was also one of the things that caused them to feel hungry most of the time. It was the high temperature and the hard labor combined that wore them down tenfold.

And outside, everyone was just trying to get by another day. It all felt like a normal day in Blood Rage, scraping for food and hustling for some money.

But inside the laboratory, a struggle was starting as tension brewed overhead in thick swirls. The room was filled with screams and profanity flying from their lips.

"Let go of me, you bitch!" Aurora exclaimed as she tried to shake off Bonnie's hand that was wrapped around her wrist, trying to pull her. The grip was a bit tight and Aurora was not entirely the strongest fighter that existed so it was a bit difficult for her to break free.

Back in the day, Bonnie had delved into some old-school training. Despite not having enough resources in Blood Rage, there were still ways for them to actually try and get something out of it. Bonnie did everything that she could to climb to the top, regarded both for her intellect and physical prowess. It was not difficult for her to keep Aurora in place but with only one hand free, she was also struggling.

"No," Bonnie firmly said. There was something about the way she said it that almost sounded like she was growling ever so slightly. "Why the hell should I even let you go when you're the perfect subject to try out the newest version of the potion." The corner of her lips tugged up to a smirk.

Aurora admitted that she was not stronger than Bonnie but she also knew that she would not give up without a fight. She may have started late but she was truly thankful for the help of both Emilia and Eli who were patient enough to teach her some of the basics. And as her eyes wandered to the ground, she stepped on Bonnie's feet as she stretched her arm backward to make the other let go of her hand.

While Bonnie was distracted, Aurora made sure to take a step back and put some distance between them. Successfully doing that, she tried to grab the closest thing that there was which was a long stick that leaned against the wall. It looked like it was something that was used to reach some of the things on the top shelves.

"What the hell is your problem? Why are you so obsessed with that potion?" Aurora asked, an exasperated sigh escaping her lips. Her mind was still swirling with all the thoughts and questions that Bonnie refused to answer. And here Aurora thought that she was going to get some.

Regaining her composure, Bonnie clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "Of course, you wouldn't understand anymore. You already had a taste of the good life so you're no longer bothered about this kind of life." She rolled her eyes, sarcasm dripping from her lips.

A part of Aurora felt a tad guilty, knowing that she did get a little carried away with how things were over at Grey Shadow. The ease of daily living, food on the table, decent clothes, and all the resources that were within reach―it was all addicting. As much as she would love to deny it, she loved the easy life. "Can you just tell me? I really just went here for some answers and not all these theatrics."

A wicked laugh ripped from Bonnie's thin lips. "Grey Shadow has been ruling on top for so long. Two packs in one land and yet we don't even get the equal half." There was anger that tinged her voice, dripping like acid that dared to burn the ground. "It should only be fair that we get the same amount of land, right?" She was gritting her teeth as her eyes bulged from their eyes in a manic look.

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