Chapter 7: The Truth About a Liar

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Trigger warning: May contain sensitive topics such as death, sex, profanity, suicide, self-harm, drugs, alcohol, mental health, sexuality, etc. There might be depictions or references to sexual harassment. Please be guided accordingly and read at your own risk.

As the evening grew deeper, the more twisted the events had become. One moment it was Jinia pressing that Aurora was scheming with someone from Blood Rage to get vital information from Grey Shadow, the next Aurora confessed that she saw Jinia exchanging letters with a mystery man. Somehow, it started to make sense why Jinia was so adamant about pinning the conspiracy on Aurora, that it was Aurora who he should look out for, even if it should be the other way around.

Unfortunately, by the time Aurora had finally decided to let Eli in on that detail, Jinia had already left the establishment. But that did not stop Eli from informing the guards and other staff to put Jinia under investigation. And in the hopes that he could make some sense of the new revelation, he asked for Jinia's files that he decided to take home. It had been too long of a night and he no longer had the energy to deal with another puzzle that he needed to piece together. To add up to that, he knew that he had to raise this with the rest of the pack. But it could be dealt with the next day when his head was not throbbing from the stressful events that occurred in the span of a few hours.

They kept Aurora in custody, at least until the entire issue was resolved. At the very least, she was given a small room with a decent bed to sleep on for the remainder of the night. After everything that she had to go through that night, it was not surprising at all that she immediately slipped into a deep slumber the moment her back hit the mattress.

Meanwhile, Eli was finally in the comfort of his room. Clad in only his boxers, he let himself settle on his bed and relax his tensed muscles. The feeling of the soft mattress against his bare skin was enough to ease his worries, even for a second, just for a moment. An exasperated sigh escaped his lips as he tried to blink the sleep away but to no avail. Just like a switch, darkness swallowed him as he slipped into a shallow slumber. Most of the night, he tossed and turn, but his mind was still affected by the turn of events.

And it almost felt like a blink because just in a few hours, the sun started to peek from the thick blanket of clouds. A faint glow peered through the small gap of his curtains but not enough to light up the entire room, giving Eli the option to sleep in but resting on his nightstand were pages of information that he had to go through before their daily meeting.

Stretching out his arms, he pulled himself up to freshen up before he settled back on his bed with Jinia's file in hand. Flipping through the pages, he learned that Jinia's mother was no other than Caroline Griselda, the scientist who designed the project that led to the killing of the previous Alpha of Grey Shadow. On the other hand, Jinia's father, Cole Frederica, is of Grey Shadow descent and had a good job. It also showed that it was Cole who reported Caroline. Due to that decision, he was able to keep his job in Grey Shadow.

With a sigh, Eli started to prepare for the day. As he changed into a fresh black shirt, a pair of pants, and his black boots, he decided to visit Aurora before he would have to head to the meeting. He also had to check if there was any news regarding Jinia to at least have something to report later, something with substance and importance.

Upon his arrival at the headquarters, he was given an update about both Jinia and Aurora before he was led to where the latter was staying. Stepping into the small room, he was surprised that they accommodated Aurora properly despite how things went down the previous night.

"I didn't think you'd visit me," Aurora said, dressed in a gray shirt and black pants that were probably provided by someone who got concerned with her ripped dress, considering that it could sometimes really be cold at night. "But it's a good thing you're here. I have something to tell you."

Eli only furrowed his brows, not at all interested but he knew that Aurora would say it anyway.

"I'm pregnant."

From the moment Aurora opened her mouth until he reached the Meeting Room, it felt like an extra weight sat on his shoulders and he barely knew how to cope with the existing issues that needed attention, and yet there was one more that he was directly involved in, which might tarnish the image that he had long built.

"What are your reports, Eli?" his father asked, giving Eli the floor to tell everyone what happened so that they could discuss it even more and settle for a solution that would keep Grey Shadow safe from any other threats.

But Eli's mind was floating somewhere else, disgust bubbling at the pit of his stomach. His jaw was clenched just as his hands were, too. Pressing his lips into a straight line as he inhaled, he tried to clear his head. Maybe they would have a solution for it but that was not even what he was thinking. His thoughts were mainly composed of his father's possible disappointment, which Eli never wished upon himself. But it was something that he might have to face.

As he exhaled he let all the frustration fly free into the wind. He had a duty and a responsibility that he needed to tend to, and he was ready to be accountable for his actions. "As the guards have informed me, they captured Jinia Frederica alongside the leader's assistant late last night," he started. "They were seen exchanging letters, which contained sensitive information regarding Grey Shadow Pack. Not only that but she tried to incriminate a, possibly, innocent woman to take the fall for her actions. But as we used the Truth Serum, we obtained the information about Jinia's exchange."

There was collective applause from the pack, reassured that immediate action was taken and that Eli did whatever he could to keep the pack safe. But unknown to them was the other information that would change the good energy that hung over the room. Unfortunately, it was something that he could not keep a secret since he needed their opinion, if not their verdict, to know how he would move forward. It was an even more sensitive topic that might put everyone on edge.

"But there's one thing more." His voice was a little gentler, the authority in it unlaced as he humbled himself a bit in front of the pack. He battled with himself if he should or should not, and only one won. "What would we do with Aurora? She is not yet completely cleared but even under the Truth Serum, there was no information gathered from her other than the one about Jinia."

A series of buzz and chatters fell over the room as everyone started to share their opinion about the matter, not completely dismissing the fact that no matter what happens, Aurora is a part of the Blood Rage Pack. It might be another case of Blood Rage trying to get a good life by getting into Grey Shadow's good graces. But then again, she provided them with information that led to the arrest of Jinia, a liar.

Clearing his throat, Malloy regained the pack's focus. "She may have provided us with something important but that doesn't change the fact that she is Blood Rage, and they should learn to be obedient and to submit to us." Compared to Eli, Malloy's authoritative tone never wavered. "We still don't know if she really is innocent and so as a probationary move, assign her to a family where she can work for now."

Eli nodded, a blank expression on his face as he normally did around them. "In which family would you have her work, Alpha?" he asked.

"The Bush Family."

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