Chapter 28: A Truth No One Expected

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Trigger warning: May contain sensitive topics such as death, sex, profanity, suicide, self-harm, drugs, alcohol, mental health, sexuality, etc. There might be depictions or references to sexual harassment. Please be guided accordingly and read at your own risk.

The world is filled with secrets, ones that are kept and some that are exposed. Oftentimes, as a story gets told and transferred, it gets lost in translation and the truth gets twisted. Everyone has their own version of their truth and it can be quite different that it makes it difficult to believe other people's version, fixated on what is more familiar, what was always known, what they thought was constant.

That was what Aurora was feeling as she stood at the doorway with three pairs of wide eyes staring in her direction. While the other two were a bit more sympathetic and showed the same shock that she was feeling, there was one that was hostile and disgusted.

There was no doubt that Malloy was not fond of Aurora, and he hated the fact that she just barged into the room without being invited in since it seemed like more of a family discussion and Aurora was in no way a part of their family, despite her involvement with both Emilia and Eli. Malloy did not care about their friendships and relationships which only seemed quite superficial to him. None of it could ever replace the bond of a family or a pack, which was why he was confident when he stomped his foot to get everyone's attention. "Get out of this room. Now." His tone was firm and clear, almost like an ultimatum.

But Aurora did not waver.

She stood rooted to the floor, shaking her head. "No. What did you just say about the potion?" she asked, her own timbre a mirror of the stubbornness that she always had within her. Malloy's voice was still ringing in her mind, tugging on her memories when she was always told that Grey Shadow made the potion and used it against their pack. It was one of the clearest memories that she had, which was what anchored her belief in the mission that she pursued.

"This doesn't concern you. This is a family matter and I don't recall you being a part of this family," Malloy snapped, pointing a degrading finger at Aurora, hoping that the woman would just leave before he was not able to control himself. He was never the best at keeping himself in check so it was more of a struggle for him to restrain from saying or doing something that would offend the other person, not that he cared anyway.

"Dad!" Emilia exclaimed, interjecting almost immediately. She shot Eli a glare as if to ask for his help to pacify their father, knowing how far he could go.

Aurora clicked her tongue, raising a brow at Malloy. "That's what you're selling? Wow, Mr. Hudson, I never thought you'd stoop so low as to fabricate something like that." Sarcasm dripped her tone as she kept her hands clenched around something small that pressed against her palm. "Is that how desperate you are for your pack to have faith in you? Don't they believe you just by being honest?" She mocked innocence in her tone as if she was simply asking a question, nothing more.

But there was no doubt that she was trying to provoke him, desperate for him to repeat what he had said.

"Aurora," Eli gently yet firmly called her out, not wanting any more fuel into the situation.

Unfortunately, it was too late for any form of pacifying because both parties were already triggered, fueled to give a response and argue their side.

"You have no idea what you're talking about, little girl. If I were you, walk away before you get yourself embarrassed." There was an air of confidence that surrounded Malloy. He knew what he was talking about. He knew what was going on better than anyone and it was both a blessing and a curse. He had the knowledge about something that not a lot knew but he also carried the burden of having to fix it all.

Aurora shook her head, snickering a bit. "I know what I'm talking about. I've heard the truth from when I was younger. You're a horror story that we've been told, the one who took our power away." With little to no regard for anyone at that point, she glanced at Emilia whose eyes were soft, and then at Eli who was pleading for her to stop. "Or are you afraid that your children will know what kind of monster you really are?"

Aurora's stern gaze remained at Malloy as she uncovered what was hidden in her palm. It was a key, the key to unlock her handcuffs. She took the head between her teeth and unlocked herself right in front of everyone.

Malloy was about to reach over, fuming at seeing the woman free herself from the bind that she deserved to have, but Eli and Emilia both stood in his way. It was clear to him that one of his children helped Aurora. Whoever it was, Malloy felt somewhat betrayed. It was an unpleasant that settled on top of his heart, weighing it down which made his breathing grow heavier.

Dropping her handcuffs, together with the key, Aurora had a hint of a victorious smile on her lips. She lifted a portion of tulle from her dress' skirt, revealing the secret pocket that she stitched herself. Zipping it open, she retrieved the bottle of potion that she had stolen from Malloy's office.

Seeing the bottle made Malloy even more furious. He glared at Eli, eyes for daggers that if looks could kill, Eli was probably butchered. "You told me nothing was stolen." The betrayal that he felt grew tenfold, doubting a lot from recent events as he started to wonder if they lied about anything else just to help Aurora. Malloy's eyes snapped back in her direction, and a raging fire erupted from his eyes.

Aurora enjoyed every bit of Malloy's expression. She felt like she had won, that the story was at the end and she was going to get the last laugh. "If it was Blood Rage who created that potion, why are they looking for it, and why is this bottle in your secret safe?" She still doubted Malloy and everything that he had said because Aurora had her truth to stand for, she had her truth to believe in.

But so does Malloy. "Weren't you in the cave? Didn't you see anything?" he asked, thick sarcasm dripping from his tone as he held his ground for his innocence. It was not only his pride as a Hudson and an Alpha but also as a father who always reminded his children to lead by example.

"What do you mean, dad?" Emilia asked, quite taken aback. She looked at Eli, hoping for some clarity, but he only shrugged as he looked just as confused.

It was Malloy's turn to taunt Aurora. In his mind, the woman knew the truth and was simply playing a game to frame him for it. Being the man that he is, Malloy would not take the fall for an atrocity that he did not commit. "The cave holds the truth. It's one of the reasons we had it closed down," he spoke with confidence and authority, showing everyone what an Alpha is really made of. "You've seen it, didn't you? You know about it all too well. You know what your fellow Blood Rage members did. You're just here to frame me for it, for something I didn't do."

Aurora shook her head, an unwavering soul whose loyalty still remained with Blood Rage. "Cut the bullshit, Mr. Hudson." There was some form of mockery as she addressed him, a fake respect that she could not even give.

"Really? You didn't know that your precious Blood Rage pack concocted this potion in an attempt to make them stronger and when they failed, they burned everyone who was not strong enough to endure the potion's effects?" A victorious smirk settled on Malloy's lips.

And Emilia felt frozen at where she stood, images flashed in her mind which made the words all the more familiar.

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