Chapter 12: The View from the Balcony

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Trigger warning: May contain sensitive topics such as death, sex, profanity, suicide, self-harm, drugs, alcohol, mental health, sexuality, etc. There might be depictions or references to sexual harassment. Please be guided accordingly and read at your own risk.

There was a sense of calm that washed over the atmosphere, but it felt more like the calm before the storm with tension hanging in the air in thick swirls. There was shuffling and other sounds coming from downstairs, hinting that someone was probably awake and busy. And it could only be either Eli's father or sister but with the level of loudness, he was sure that it was no other than his sister, Emilia.

"That's probably my family. We should get dressed and then let's head downstairs. But we need to make it quick," Eli said, slipping out of the bed to freshen up in the bathroom. Washing the sleep from his eyes and the sheer layer of mist of Aurora's imprint on his skin, he replayed the scenario in his head. While he was aware of the situation that he put himself in, one foot was into that door and it was a challenge to pull it free.

Fortunately, their senses were alert. The way they moved and made way for each other as they changed into more decent clothes, even if it meant borrowing a fresh shirt and pair of jeans from Eli, was like a well-choreographed routine. It was like they could tell which way the other would go, may it be a coincidence or a display of fate. Either way, it made things easier for the two of them.

Once they were done, they both headed downstairs where they were welcomed by Emilia. Her long light ash hair fell like a light sunshine waterfall along her back, sharp eyes immediately focusing on her target, and he luscious lips curling into a mischievous smirk. It was a look that everyone in the house knew, but no one knows how to control her once she steps into that mode.

"I have to go meet dad for a meeting. I'll see you later," Eli said before rushing out of the door, leaving the two women in what seemed like an impending battle.

"Ah! If it isn't Aurora Dyer, the Omega she-wolf that my dear brother won't stop talking about." Her tone dripped of plummy distaste as her lips morph into a scowl. Despite how close their height is, Emilia was glad she wore her favorite boots as they added height to her. She stood tall, making sure that she could look down on Aurora with her brow raised, and decided to make the other feel where she really stood. "What are you doing here at our home?" she interrogated.

Aurora opened her mouth to answer but she was not sure how to really explain the situation. She could feel the hostility coming from Emilia. There was no doubt about that. But that was something she was used to as it was nothing new. A lot of werewolves from high-ranking packs, especially Grey Shadow, had looked down on her but that did not stop her before. There was no way that she would go down without a fight. But then again, she needed to respect Emilia. After all, she is Eli's sister. "Eli saved me last night from this horrible guy and Eli's kind enough to let me crash."

With her sharp and observant eyes, Emilia discreetly rolled her eyes. There was fire was burning at the pit of her stomach as a bitter taste reached her mouth even by merely looking at the woman in front of her. She could not even comprehend why her brother would even bring home someone from Blood Rage. It felt so out of character that Emilia felt the need to step in. "So you're leaving now?" she asked, sounding as if she was pushing for Aurora's departure.

"Eli said I could stay and he'll see me later," Aurora answered, innocence coating her words as she pushed a seemingly genuine sweet smile to her lips. Her eyes were soft compared to Emilia's as the former batted her lashes almost innocently. "I can help around the house for a while so I can be of help so that I wouldn't be much of a burden to Eli and your family." Her tone sounded clear but Emilia thought otherwise. She felt like something was lingering between the lines but she could not quite pin it down.

A humorless chuckle slipped from Emilia's lips, a hunch was growing at the pit of her stomach. But even she knew that she needed to let that hunch grow, just enough that she could prove that it is right. "Of course, you wouldn't want that. After all, Eli can make your life a whole lot easier. Am I right?" Emilia snickered, shaking her head in disappointment.

Growing up, it had been ingrained into her mind that Blood Rage was an inferior pack, something they should not even have to worry about but werewolves from their pack would stop at nothing to earn a good life. While it seemed like an innocent wish, no one from Grey Shadow liked the idea of it at all because they were being used in order to have a good life when they all worked hard to earn their rank. So Emilia automatically felt like there was no way that she would let her brother be used that way by someone inferior, knowing that Eli is one of the most respected members of the pack.

Aurora was unable to speak, fighting the urge to open her mouth as she knew she was bound to say something harsh in response to Emilia's firm hostility. And Aurora was in no position to do anything reckless that could ruin what she had worked for, what she had earned. With a small nod, she just acknowledged Emilia's comments. "I'll go ahead and clean upstairs," she said with a sickeningly sweet smile spread across her lips. Aurora made a small bow before she turned on her heels and made her way upstairs to Eli's room once again.

Considering last night's events, it was surprising that Eli's room was not much of a mess. It was not that long until she was able to clean it spotless, thanks to her experience at the Bush Family mansion.

And for the next few days, that had turned into a routine. If it was the only way that she could be out of Emilia's hair, Aurora would rather clean and stay cooped up in Eli's room. It was somewhat boring but she always found something to entertain herself.

One morning, as she just finished changing the sheets in Eli's room, something caught her eye—the way the sunlight hit a certain spot by the balcony. It was golden and warm, which reminded her of that day when she was younger. A smile spread across her lips, painting her own warm and golden glow.

Deciding to bask in the warm glow of the sunlight, she let its golden rays graze her skin and wrap her in its pleasant embrace. But then her ears perked up at the summery giggles that blossomed from the direction of the vineyard. Careful eyes followed the sound, her senses heightened as curiosity shot through her veins.

"There she is!" Leann excitedly exclaimed as they spot Emilia, standing next to a familiar face that Aurora could recognize as one of the servants, Hayden. He is taller than Emilia and had bronze skin that glistened under the heat of the sun.

But that was not why Aurora kept on watching.

It was Emilia's strong voice, saying, "Those grapes look perfect. Get those for me." Ordering Hayden as she pointed at the grapes from a farther set of vines. She remained rooted to the ground, her light ash hair dancing to the movements of the wind, creating a golden halo that made her look ethereal if it was not for her attitude.

To her luck, Hayden walked towards the vines that Emilia had pointed to and gathered the grapes that the lady had chosen. Returning to her side, he slowly placed an arm around her shoulder before plucking a grape from the stems and feeding it to Emilia, who gladly accepted and enjoyed the sweet taste of the fruit. Emilia would then put an arm around his waist, snuggling closer as they took a walk along the aisle that was paved in the vineyard.

Their giggles and sweet laughter filled the air as they peeled their arms off each other only to intertwine their fingers and sway their arms between them, walking into the sunlight with no regard for anyone else.

As they reached the end of the aisle, they slowly faced each other with a sweet smile painted across both of their lips. With his free hand, Hayden reached out to touch Emilia's cheek which made her feel endeared.

Unknown to them was that a pair of eyes were watching them very carefully, noting every movement and every word that was uttered throughout the entire time that they spent together. The couple was lost in their own world that they forgot to look around and check if anyone had their eyes on them.

Chuckling to herself, Aurora could not help but feel like she had gained the upper hand.

"I think I just witnessed a secret."

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