Chapter 37: Kiss or Truth

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Trigger warning: May contain sensitive topics such as death, sex, profanity, suicide, self-harm, drugs, alcohol, mental health, sexuality, etc. There might be depictions or references to sexual harassment. Please be guided accordingly and read at your own risk.

The sound of the shower echoed within the walls, serving as the only music that was cut through the deafening silence that wrapped her. Cool water droplets trickled down her skin, refreshing her tired body. Her mind was still blurred with the water unable to wash off all the heavy feelings that had already made a home in her heart. The pain just weighed on her, squeezing her heart with every drop of blood that she had and draining her until she was numb.

As much as she hoped that crying it out on the hilltop could erase all the pain, it was truly not the case. If anything, she only felt worse. There was guilt nibbling on her stomach, creeping underneath her skin.

Her eyes were glued to her feet that were rooted on the cold tiled floor. Her heart was pounding against her chest, drumming against its cage as if it had something to say but was too scared to do so. An exasperated sigh escaped her lips as she slowly reached for the knob to close the shower.

She stared in mid-air as she dried herself. Her mind wandered off as she slipped into more comfortable clothes. Walking out and into Eli's bedroom, she was still aloof as she slightly swayed to sit at the edge of his bed. Eli, who was leaning against the window as he observed the grounds that were visible to him, briefly glanced at the blonde who had finally settled in.

A bigger part of him was still worried, remembering everything that his sister had told him earlier that night. He could sense the gray clouds that hung over Aurora's head, raining on her with all the pain and frustration that was already festering underneath her skin. Eli could only imagine what she could be feeling and yet he had no idea how he could comfort her at the very least. He was not that well-versed in comforting emotional women, only knowing how to deal with Emilia who has a different way of handling problems that did not involve her brother taking care of her.

"Hey..." Eli greeted, carefully walking toward Aurora and then settling on the space next to her. He placed an arm over her shoulders with his hand rubbing her arm as to start comforting her. "Is something wrong? You've been quiet. I'm not used to it."

That earned him a soft chuckle from Aurora who had a frown on her lips. She knew that it was probably obvious, especially with the way that her face had fallen and she could not even force a smile that would pass as genuine. But a part of her hoped that she could still make it seem like she was okay, not wanting Eli to worry about her since she did not know how she should tell him about her feelings anyway. "You don't have to worry about me. I'm okay." That was what she said but her tone said otherwise.

Aurora shifted on her seat, wrapping her arms around his waist. She could feel the faint beating of his heart, the steady beat that somehow calmed her nerves. Keeping her ear against his chest, she savored the soothing sound that slowly became the rhythm of her own.

His hand went over to her head, brushing through the golden strands of her hair, and twirling his fingers along her locks. Those were subtle movements, gentle gestures that showed just how much he wanted to give her some comfort, knowing that he could not give much support to her.

As much as Eli wanted to sympathize, he was innately against Blood Rage so things like a funeral pyre to bury someone from the rival pack were something more than usual. And he did not have a strong connection to the deceased. What was only bothering him was the way Aurora was affected by it all.

He wanted to be of help but he did not know how to.

Reaching out, Eli cradled her face in his strong hand with his thumb caressing the apples of her cheek. "I'm just here for you. If you ever want to talk, just know that I'm here." His voice was soft, clear, and warm.

The Scent of Illusion (Published under IMMAC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang