Chapter 13: An Unlikely Alliance

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Trigger warning: May contain sensitive topics such as death, sex, profanity, suicide, self-harm, drugs, alcohol, mental health, sexuality, etc. There might be depictions or references to sexual harassment. Please be guided accordingly and read at your own risk.

Moments, just like anything else in the world, end. Even the sweetest minute shared between lovers or the most romantic love song would eventually reach its last second. As the sun started to set, it was the sky's way of telling Emilia and Hayden that it was time for them to part. While it was and never will be their favorite moment, they just reassured each other that there would always be next time, something for them to look forward to in the coming days.

Reaching out, Hayden touched Emilia's face, caressing her cheekbone with the pad of his thumb as he whispered how much he enjoyed their time that day. Warm smiles were painted across both of their lips, their fingers intertwined as if they did not want to let go of each other. Their eyes were locked but there was already longing etched in them as they bid their goodbyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Emilia asked, surprisingly with a softer tone than what she normally uses for the people around her. It was not typical for Emilia to be nice, mostly armed with a sharp tongue that was ready to cut through any pretense. Although she might sound harsh most of the time, she usually had clear intentions.

Hayden was used to Emilia's strong attitude. In fact, it was one of the things that got him attracted to her. There was a certain charm that came from Emilia's firm tone, her resilience was another thing that made her even more attractive. "I'll see you tomorrow," he answered.

And with that, they part ways.

The happiness that she felt that afternoon was painted on her face, smeared across her features as she walked back to the house with the brightest smile stretched across her lips. Every now and then she would happily skip, her dress' skirt swaying to the rhythm of her hips. Anyone who would see her would be confused but for a moment, Emilia wanted to bask in the summery glow of that happiness because she could only have it when her family is away.

But as she neared the house, she felt the tension from being observed. Lifting her chin, her eyes met a pair of emotionless ones that was looking straight at her. Aurora's face was blank, nothing gave away that she saw what she was not supposed to see. Instead, she turned and walked away from the balcony and into the house. After a while came the sound of her footsteps against the stairs.

Emilia, on the other hand, tried to brush off her dress as if the mere action would remove traces of Hayden on the fabric. With a huff, she shed whatever bit of kindness and joy that adorned her face, replacing it with the stern scoff that she usually wore. With every step that led to the mansion, she regained her composure which showed a woman who would never go down without a fight.

It was not that long until Aurora was seen descending the stairs, her face may have looked calm but her eyes told a different story. It showed knowledge, which hinted Emilia that she could have been discovered. Still, she maintained her composure and stayed confident as they faced each other.

"So, I saw that," Aurora blurted out as she turned and headed to the living room. The sun peeked into the open drapes, shining brightly into the large room. "I'm not sure if my eyes were playing tricks on me if I really did see you with one of your servants." Aurora's tone was dripping with sarcasm as she settled on the sofa, crossing her legs.

"You know nothing," Emilia replied, her voice firm as she sat on one of the couches, crossing her legs as well. Intertwining her fingers, she places her hands on her knees as she decided to play it off a bit. "You don't know what you're saying, Aurora."

Aurora's brow shot up as she pursed her lips, nodding in mock acknowledgment of what the other just said. "Are you sure about that, Emilia? Are you telling me that I'm blind? That I didn't see you and Hayden looking cozy by the vineyard?" Her lips slightly tugged up to a smirk, teasing Emilia.

Pink crept to Emilia's cheeks, knowing that she was found out. The most precious thing in her life was those small moments with Hayden that she cherished. It was those moments that made her vulnerable but loved, seconds of her life where she could stop worrying about everything around her and just enjoy what was in front of her. It was the most unlikely thing and yet it was what she held onto for some sanity.

"Okay, fine," Emilia admitted. "What are you going to do about it now?" She crossed her arms across her chest as she shot Aurora a glare. Her thoughts were swirling, worry was starting to fester at the pit of her stomach as she kept on running the possible scenarios in her head once Aurora exposes her to her family. Emilia could only imagine how her family, one of the most respected ones in the pack, would react when they find out that she was dating one of their servants.

Aurora pressed her lips into a line as she sat back, relaxing into the soft cushion of the sofa. Her threatening gaze was in the guise of a playful sparkle while humming as if she was really thinking of what she would do with her secret when she knew that it was a powerful tool in the long run. "Well, the easiest way here is for me to tell your brother who would then tell your father. But we both know you don't want that, right?"

It was clear how Aurora dangled the fact in front of Emilia. Even with her vague threats, it was obvious blackmail for Emilia, who could not help but let out a low growl that sounded almost guttural. As much as she wanted to fight back, she knew on her own that she had nothing on Aurora, nothing but a hunch with no solid proof. In comparison, Emilia can easily be implicated since she was seen with Hayden and any other house staff could confirm Hayden's presence in the house.

In the end, she was on the losing end.

"Please, keep it a secret," Emilia said, her voice mellowed down as well as the scowl on her face. If Aurora did not know Emilia's true colors, the former would think that the latter was nothing but an innocent girl who was in love with a nice boy. "Look, Hayden's a nice guy. I met him at one of the gatherings and I got curious. He wasn't like any other guy. He was soft-spoken and well-mannered. Not too macho." There was a soft laugh that left Emilia's lips, fondness etched in her eyes as she talked about Hayden. It was evident that she truly had feelings for the guy and recalling how they met spread warmth across her chest.

"One day, he dropped his wallet in front of the headquarters and so I decided to return it. I was going to return it right away but he ran, so I followed him. He was working for another family who seemed cruel." Emilia furrowed her brows as if the memory was unpleasant to her. "I guess he was a minute late and they were already threatening to beat him if he did not continue working. I know he didn't deserve that kind of treatment. No one does." Licking her lips, she pressed them into a straight line as she took a deep breath. "I know I can be hostile," she gestured at Aurora, "but that doesn't mean I'm entirely heartless. So I saved him from there even when I said I was just returning his wallet. I invited him over, got him a job here and the rest is history."

On the other hand, Aurora was nodding along as she found it amusing. Another side of Emilia had shown itself to her, the warm-hearted and caring kind. Some of her words tugged at Aurora's heartstrings but she also had her own standing to worry about.

"So please, please, help me keep this secret," Emilia pleaded, pressing her palms together as she looked at Aurora.

Heaving a deep breath, Aurora looked back at Emilia. "What's in it for me?"

A soft yet somewhat genuine smile settled on Emilia's lips. "I'll stop accusing you and I'll try to be nicer."

With a nod, Aurora answered, "Deal."

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