CH 22 : Goldilocks part 2

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A young boy raced across Route 27 heading straight to New Bark Town where a conference of several Pokémon scientists was to being held. Many wild Pokémon attempted to lung at the boy but he was too determined outrunning the critters. 

"Finally time for Y/n l/n to get his first Pokémon" said the boy beaming with happiness. A small furball popped out of his bag and sniffed the air "Thanks for keeping me company Zeezee" said the boy petting his house pet. 


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Y/n whipped his head around hearing the sound of a branch breaking. A small boy was standing beside the lab clutching something in his hand. "Who are you ?" asked Y/n. Suddenly the boy ran towards Y/n and pushed him to the ground Y/n groaned in pain before standing up. The boy ran past Y/n stomping over him.


Y/n stood up dusting himself off "Did that kid steal something ?" Y/n raced to the door "I have to tell the Professor !!" Y/n raced into the lab the lights were off and shards off glass were scattered on the floor. "A break in , when??"

"There you are!" came a voice Y/n turned round to see a trainer his height standing behind him.

"Stand down criminal " said the trainer pointing at Y/n , Y/n shook his head " WAIT I think there's been a misunderstanding" 

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"Stand down criminal " said the trainer pointing at Y/n , Y/n shook his head " WAIT I think there's been a misunderstanding" 

"Gabite use dragon tail" the black dragon rushed at Y/n slamming its tail into his chest. Zeezee jumped out of the bag blasting a dark pulse knocking Gabite back.

"Gabite finish this with brick break" Y/n leapt from the floor grabbing Zeezee and rolling out of the way. Gabites claw crashed into the floor.

"Zeezee use Hypnosis" Gabite collapsed onto the floor asleep Y/n ran towards the girl who sent out a Roselia

"Use razor leaf" Sharp blade like leaves fired at y/n but Zeezee took the attack falling down. Y/n jumped over Roselia and tackled the girl pushing her to the ground.

"Y/n used tackle!" 

Cynthia sprawled onto the floor allowing Y/n to escape. "Riolu fetch!" Riolu ran towards Y/n the boy lowered his hand grabbing a handful of sand and flung it at Riolu

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