CH 11 : Oreburgh mine

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We walked into the Pokémon center and were graciously greeted with the cool air surrounding us

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We walked into the Pokémon center and were graciously greeted with the cool air surrounding us. I breathed it in slowly and proceeded to the front desk. Nurse joy waved at us and brought a tray of 13 pokeballs.

"We've restored your Pokémon to full health, we hope to see you again" I nodded "What's the news on slowpoke ?" Nurse joy smiled "On the road to recovery however It will not be able to survive in the wild " I nodded and sat on the couch Cynthia plopped down next to me.

"Slowpoke use their tails to hunt for fish since they can't swim very fast and more so it won't be able to follow the process of evolution in the wild" Cynthia smiled "at least you remember something from Professor Rowans classes". I smiled and pointed to Silver who was glued to the public PC. 

"What's wrong with him?" Cynthia sighed "I'm sure he's trying to build the perfect team to get stronger he probably blames himself for being to weak to save Skarmory"

Cynthia didn't say anything but I knew what she was thinking , she saw myself in Silver and I agreed.

Suddenly a wave of trainers rushed into the Pokémon trainers and crowded around Nurse joy and the PC. One of the trainers began to argue with Silver so I stepped in and grabbed the trainer by the shoulder "Lower you're tone you're in a hospital" The trainer growled at me but Cynthia stepped in "Mind telling me why so many of you suddenly rushed in here" 

The boy stopped arguing immediately "Yes ma'am there's been reports of a powerful Pokémon lurking in the Oregurgh mines and apparently it's making the structure of the mine unstable and dangerous so all of us are travelling together to capture it".

"Where is Roark the gym leader?" asked Cynthia. The teen shrugged his shoulders "I don't know but apparently he was last seen trying to stabilize the mines" The three of us glanced at each other for a split second before bolting out of the door.

Meanwhile in Jubilfe city

"That's impossible there's no way they survived Kyogre!!" A group of three men were lounging in an expensive office building the room was locked and barred preventing anyone besides the three from listening.

"That's right sir and he's continuing to travel with Silver and the Sinnoh champion onward to Oreburgh city"

"It's unacceptable we need to have him dead "

"I have an idea to make him disappear without any traces leading back to our organization we had intended to use this plan to kill Roark but we can expand our targets. All we need is for him to enter the Oreburgh mines "

Oreburgh city

The distance from Canalave to Oreburgh is almost half day of travelling but you made it there in 3 hours and only breaking a few road safety laws. A crowd of people had gathered at the entrance of the Oreburgh mines surrounding the collapsed entrance. Roark the gym leader was leading the Paramedics in studying the entrance.

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