Chapter Forty.

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Lizzy's pov:

I walk into school, ready for classes that we're already starting to give me headaches.

I see Lucas leaning against my locker, grinning at me. I smile back, hugging him tight. "Hi." He kisses my cheek and hugs me tight. "I've missed you princess."

"I miss you too." I look up at him and sigh. "What's wrong?"

He pulls away and takes a good look at my frowning face but I shake my head. "My dad wants to meet me."

"You should, Lizzy. You need to make up. It's gonna be okay." He smiles at me, tucking my hair behind my ears.

I smile at him. "Okay."

"Speaking of dads." "What is it?" I open my locker and take my books out, ready for the first class.

"My dad is coming home. And I told him about you. He wants to have dinner with you tonight."

"Huh?" I stare at him and he laughs out loud. "Yeah, he's in town. He really wants to see you."

"Wow. Well, i guess it's about time." I chuckle, closing the locker door. He smirks and lifts my chin up with his fingers.

"It's gonna be great. Don't worry. I'm cooking." He winks and leans over to give me a soft kiss.

"Ooo! What are you making?"

"I don't know. Beef Wellington?" "What?! That's gonna take such a long time."

"Babe, I already prepared beforehand. Don't worry." I push him softly and grab his shirt, yanking him towards me.

"You are so smart and sexy, I love it." He grins and kisses me, again. "Let's go. We're late for class."

We pass by Adrian but she's not looking at us. I wonder what happened. After that night, she never bothered us anymore. It's been a week now and she's finally letting go.

I feel sorry for her. holding onto a grudge and begging someone to go back to her, its actually embarrassing. Hopefully she realises that and changes. And I hope it stays. For good.


I enter the restaurant and catch my dad waving at me. He walks towards me and kisses me on either side of my cheek. "Hi, honey. I'm glad you could make it."

He takes my jacket and walks me to the table . We sit down and he takes a deep breath, his eyes fixed on the menu. He finally glances up at me and smiles.

"How's school?" I pucker my lips and shrug. "It's been alright." "You're dating Lucas now?"

I chuckle and nod. "Yeah." "He seems like a great guy. I'm glad you've finally decided to date someone."

I roll my eyes. "It just happened, dad." "Right."

We sit in complete silence after we order something to eat.

"Lizzy, I wanna apologise for what happened. Maybe you can hear me out."

"Okay." I look up at him attentively. He looks shocked. Surprised. Is it surprising that I'm finally giving him a chance? I guess so.

He sighs and smiles. "I know I made a terrible mistake. And I have only myself to blame. I was unhappy. Your mom was unhappy. But now we're finally both free, we're happy. I should've been honest with her. Told her what's going on, but i couldn't. I loved her too much. Maybe I was just scared to let go of my life."

I don't say a word. I want to listen to every single thing that comes out of his mouth. Because nothing was in my head. Only dinner later tonight with Lucas and his dad.

"I can't really explain myself for that day. I'm sorry you had to see that. I know I hurt you, Brandon, your mom, but i just want us all to move on from it. I miss you, Lizzy. It hurts that you're not in my life."

I sigh. "Okay, dad." "Okay?" He stares at me in confusion.

"You're angry and hurt. I'm sorry I've been so hard on you. It's only because you hurt mom. But seeing how happy she is without you and how happy you are without her, it's for the best. And if it's for the best for us I'll then I'll gladly accept it."

He smiles at me and reaches over to grab my hand. "Thank you, Lizzy. I love you."

"I love you, dad." He gets up and walks towards me, hugging me tightly in his arms. "Let's forget about it, please, Liz. I need you both in my life."

I chuckle and hug him back. "Sure, dad. I'd like that."

He sits down and sniffs, wiping his nose.

"So. Lucas, eh?" "Dad, don't start." I chuckle, shaking my head.

"No. I know he's good for you. I'm happy for you Lizzy. You deserve good things."

"You too, dad. Thank you. I appreciate it."

We talk for a while, having our meal until the sun goes down. I drop him home first before I head back to Lucas' house.

"Liz, I wanna say, thank you for giving me another chance. I deserve what you said to me. But I couldn't live my life not talking to you about it first."

"Dad, it's okay. I'm sorry. I was angry. But it's gonna be okay. We're moving on." I grin.

He hugs me tight and pats my cheek. "Bye, honey. I'll see you soon."

Dad gets off and waves at me as I leave from his place. A smile forms at the corner of my lips and i chuckle.

Well, I guess that's what we're going to do now. Move on.



Guys! I'm done with this book! As for Lucas and Lizzy, they're doing great. Trust me. I know. :)

Thank you for reading. If you do like it, please vote and let me know your thoughts in the comments.

I hope you're all doing well. I'm gonna start with other books that I'd written previously as well. I'm a nervous writer and I know it's a bit rough but I'm trying my best to deliver.

Take care everyone! Until next time. <3

I've got another work ongoing right now!! It's called Safe With Me.

Please do give it a read and vote!! Tyyy :D

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