Chapter Twenty Two.

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Lizzy's pov:

"That was...quite a scene." Ava says.

"He didn't have to insult me like that. That was the deal."

"So he made a joke. What's the issue?"

"I'm...I'm just tired, Ave. I'm gonna drop you off and I'm gonna sleep."

"Lizzy, talk to me."

"I sigh. "I'm not doing too good. Ever since Eric has been on my case I feel like shit. I'm losing my appetite. I feel like shit."

"So? It's Eric's fault?"

"No. I mean, partly. The day he touched me I felt worse so partly he was at fault."

Ava sighs and grabs hold of my hand. "Forget about that fucking guy. You've got your friends. You've got me. You got this." She smiles.

"Thanks, Ave." I drop her off and she gives me a big hug. "I'm proud of you, Liz. I'll see you tomorrow." I kiss her bye and I pull away from my house.

I walk into mine and I take my jacket off and hang it on the coat rack.

"So. Lucas Morgan huh?" My mom says, smirking at me from the living room.

"Mom, don't be like that." I frown.

"I know he's your first, honey. But him? Really?"

"He's a good guy. We've always had a rough start but i figured I'd give it a try." I chuckle.

She shakes her head and smiles. "Alright. Well you know what you're doing."

"I'm gonna go hit the bed. I'm exhausted."

"Goodnight, Liz." "Goodnight, mom." I smile.

I head up to my room and i sit down on my bed, feeling the worst things in my heart and it just swirls around me.

I stand up, ready for bed. I take off my pants and at that moment, i hear my window slide open.

I turn around in a shriek, pulling my pants over me as if it would help.

The curtains part to welcome Lucas grinning at me.

"Sorry, princess. I couldn't walk into your house late at night."

"Get out!" I hiss, glaring at him.

"Woah." He looks at me from head to toe and smirks. "Perfect timing, eh?"

"For the love of God, Morgan. Get out of my room."

Lucas shakes his head. "I don't know what happened with you in that pizza place but you have some explaining to do."

"There's nothing I have to explain to you." I glare at him.

"Is that so?"

Lucas steps closer to me and I feel my heart jump onto my hands as soon as his scent reaches my nose.

"If you tell me...Lizzy, I'm not gonna make that same mistake twice."

"Forget about it, Morgan."

He groans and keeps walking towards me until my back hits the wall.

"I'm tired of playing this game, Liz. Be honest."

"Fuck off, Lucas. It's not like you care anyway." "I don't?" He tilts his head at me, trailing his eyes down to my lips.

His fingers brush up against my lips as he bites his own.

He grabs hold of my waist and presses me harder against the wall, his hot breath caressing my skin.

"You think i don't care about you, Lizzy?"

He places a soft kiss on my neck, nibbling on my skin and pulling it towards him between his teeth.

"What are you doing?" I whisper, placing my hands on his shoulders. He grabs hold of my pants and yanks them off my hands, as his lips hungrily return to my neck.

I whimper, my heart thumping hard against my chest as my spine tingles against his touch.

"Don't tell me you don't want this, Liz. I know you do. Stop denying it."

I push him away and i glare at him. "We're done, Lucas. I'm tired. I don't want this anymore."

Lucas is unfazed. He clenches his jaw hard and looks into my eyes again.

"Really? After everything, sweetheart?"

"What is everything? We were pretending. Are you delusional?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"You know what Adrian said to me earlier? She begged me to go back to her. I said no. Because I have you. Even Brandon was asking me if it's over between you and i since she said that. You know what I think? I don't want it to be over. It's never over. It never will." Lucas sighs, his eyebrows narrowed.

"I don't want it, Lucas. You're crazy. This is you and me. It's ridiculous!"

"Maybe. Maybe not. But for me it's not. I know what I want. It's you, Liz."

I stare at him in devastation and i shake my head. "You're out of your goddamn mind!"

"You're telling me you don't want me, Liz?" Lucas asks, placing both his hands against the wall on either side of my head.

I stare at him, thinking as quickly as I can. But honestly I know how bad I want him. I want him so much that I can just picture him tearing me into pieces. But I can't let him win. My ego is too big for this. For him.

He's staring at my lips and it makes it ten times harder for me. I press my legs together as the feeling of a puddle beginning to form in my underwear. All because of him. He's not giving me much of a choice when he knows what I really want. Him. No. Fuck. No.

I nod and he shakes his head at me.

"I don't buy it, princess."

His hands press on my waist and his lips on mine send me into a spiral. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. My hunger thrived the more I tasted his lips.

His hands roam my body as his lips hurriedly reach to kiss my neck several times, igniting feelings i never knew I could have. Feelings I've never felt before.

He brings his lips to mine once more and lifts me off the ground, pushing my legs to wrap around his waist.

Lucas pulls away and presses me against the wall as his hand slowly grabs my neck, teasingly.

"Are you still denying it, princess?"

I must warn you guys, mature content ahead!

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