A slap to her senses

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Hi it's been a while hasn't it, I honestly didn't know where I was going with this at all and had writers block for a while but I finally got out of my slump so here's a long chapter this time round please enjoy:)

After stepping outside the cottage Jian lan let out a shaken breath she didn't know she was holding in, when a sudden violent force came across her face resulting in an unattractive mark appearing in the shape of a handprint in the very spot.

"You know I don't usually hit women but I think you can be classified as an exception. I can't believe you had the gall to do such a wretched thing and to me of all people! What even made you think of committing such a despicable act?" Sneered a honeyed voice.

The fuming Jian Lan turned, hand raised high ready to strike the one who had dared to assaulted her first, when she came face to face with the now white haired perpetrator. It took her a second to recognise him with his new found look but nobody could mistake the unmistakable feeling of regality the man possessed and the icy glare his eyes contained.

"General Xuan Zhen? You can leave the house?!" A shiver trail down Jian lan's spine as if she had been tied under a rushing waterfall with the full force of the currents assaulting her from all sides, she was unable to move baffled by the sudden appearance of the man she had betrayed. "Why are you here? I'll scream, the heavens will hear me I'll scream so loud!"

Mu Qing haughtily laughed,"don't waste your time there's no communication with the heavens here and even if there was they wouldn't give a pigs behind about you. Perhaps Feng xin and dianxia might but that's very unlikely considering who you are."

Jian lan gritted her teeth and clenched her firsts in annoyance at what the god had just said, not that it wasn't true but she still found it to be a hurtful thing to recognise. Especially when someone born from the same place in the hierarchy as her had said so.

"If you can leave the house than why haven't you gone back yet, I've received my payment so what you do from here on out is none of my concern."

"I find this to be an interesting situation that's all, a cottage in the middle of nowhere housing three children and two adults one of which possess dragon like features. Being put in a position where you could view such a sight yourself would tickle anyone's fancy as I'm sure you know. Now would you mind sharing what you and my reptilian acquaintance were discussing, and don't try lying as quite as you had tried to be you two still managed to release a sound louder than the bells in heaven. So speak."

"Ha,"she spat," like hell I'll tell you anything about this, I'm not even getting anything out of it!"

Sighing, rolling his eyes dramatically," fine then how about this, tell me this information that I require and I'll give you three times the amount of money he gave you and when I head back to heaven I'll refrain from speaking of you and your involvement in my situation. Is that okay?"

Jian lan opened her mouth as if she was about to protest when Mu Qing interrupted her," of course if you disagree I could just as easily head back to the heavens and announce your traitorous dead's to the entire population of heaven. You would be cast aside and left to rot on the streets destined to be hated by all you come across of all species and genders. So I'll ask again, is that okay Jian lan?"

She was shocked, how could the great Xuan Zhen be so cold? Jain lan knew that there was only one choice she could make in this situation but she was very opposed to the idea of agreeing to it. But what would happen to Cuocuo she thought? An aching feeling became apparent in her heart at the thought that he would be treated in such a scornful manner simply because of his mother's actions, it was bad enough she was a prostitute he shouldn't have to deal with her being hated by the heavens as well.
That's it Cuocuo! She thought, Mu Qing was obsessed with the boy so much so that even she his own mother though that the boy was Mu Qing's son.

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