The arrival- chapter 1

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"General, please wake up, General!"shouted a voice from behind the door. Mu Qing looked up drearily, his head pounding in pain from the previous night. "And why should I?" Replied Mu Qing, in a manner that showed  he was clearly annoyed at the person for waking him up so abruptly. " General, I apologise for the inconvenience but you will be late for the arrival of Lady Jian lan and Master Cuocuo." Dammit! He had completely forgotten they were coming. Hurriedly, he threw himself out of bed, and to the best of his ability got changed. Although his robe was messy and his hair looked slightly crooked nobody would have guessed that he was rushed. "What a pain..." he muttered to himself whilst shaking his head, as he headed towards his junior officers.

He and the Xuanzhen soldiers headed towards Feng Xin's castle, their heads held high as if they were marching to battle. For what reason did all the gods and goddesses of the middle and upper court have to come today was unknown to him, but he knew for a fact that nearly everyone had come. Be it to mock Feng xin like his soldiers had or to bully the two ghosts into leaving the heavens, they all had a reason. The area was surely crowded and cramped, so much that there was hardly enough room to breathe, but luckily everyone was able to fit in. As his officers went off for a wander, most likely to start trouble with the Nanyang officers, Mu Quing travelled elegantly across the area to a large tree at the back, of which he jumped up onto and casually made himself comfortable. Reaching up his sleeve he grabbed hold of a small white book and proceeded to read it, knowing fully well that he would pass out from the boredom if he wasn't provided with a source of entertainment.

A small chuckle could be heard from above him, but came out unheard by Mu Qing who was undoubtedly absorbed in his book. " Mu Qing, are you really that bored that you're reading! Umm.. Mu Qing!" Eventually hearing his name being called, he snaps his head up only to see Xie Lian along with Hua Cheng lounging on the branches above him. " Your highness!" Said a surprised Mu Qing, " I apologise for not responding immediately," he said bowing his head slightly. He was more surprised that they were here instead of in the shrine or ghost city, then the fact that they were above him. Being a general he already realised that there was a presence above him since his senses are over the average. "Wow you must be bored if you're starting to apologise!" Smirked Hua Cheng. Mu Qing mentally swore at him and sent a death glare his way. "Now, now, we're here for Feng xin not to fight, understood!" Told Xie Lian, in a motherlike manner. "Yes, GeGe I'm sorry!" Pouted Hua Cheng in a puppy-like way, to which Mu Qing just rolled his eyes.

Mu Qing, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng conversed until the two ghosts had arrived, well more like Hua Cheng and Mu Qing fought while Xie Lian told them off. They were alerted by the arrival of Jian lan and Cuocuo when a sudden silence fell upon the palace. All eyes turned to the carriage which had the two plus Feng xin coming out of it. The baby clutched onto his mothers clothes and looked at all the judging faces given each and every one  a glare. Feng Xin grabbed hold of Jian lan's hand, but was quickly swatted  away by the young Cuocuo, who didn't seem to be as frightened as he was before. If you could have called that frightened. Coughing Feng Xin started to speak " Good Morning everyone, I would like to thank you all for coming and especially to those of General Xuanzhen who have not tried to attack any of my soldiers," to which the statement was replied to with a facepalm by Mu Qing and a 'not yet' forming throughout the crowd, " well we were told to be on our best behaviour, sir!" Laughed a voice from the crowd. " Ah well, I believe that I'll have to thank Mu Qing for that later on. Anyways, my wife and son have come and I hope you treat them with respect, anything other than that and you will be in a world of pain!" Grinning throughout that entire speech Feng Xin introduced his family whilst challenging all the gods at the same time.
                                       ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა

Hi, this is my first tgcf fanfic since I only read the books recently. Please tell me if anything is wrong with the character names. I'm a little forgetful. Thanks

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