Chapter 15-behind the hidden wall

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The scene laid out before them shocked children to their core, if not for Mu Qing's accustom to such situations there would be no doubt that he would have the same reaction as the other 3.

What laid behind the hidden wall was a room. Although it was simply a room it was cramped and filled  with the stench of rotting corpses.

From the ceiling lined up in rows the corpses hung from ropes. They had clearly been dead for a long time 80 years at least . All the moisture had been sucked out of them and it seemed as if their lungs had collapsed in on themselves, their rib cage was framed clearly. Truly a disgusting sight:

"Well I just saw something I'm not supposed to, helloooo trauma." Stated Tomio breaking the silence.

"What happened?" Questioned Mu Qing, his voice hiding a sense of shock.

Yūrei took in the area and sighed. "What happens everywhere, death, destruction. That's just something that happens. As a general shouldn't you know that!"

"No, i mean why are they all here? And why so many?"

"We were harvested, vampires for their teeth, dragons for their horns and scales. Our kind was treated like scum you'd  find on the streets. We used to be feared and worshiped but now, ha, they'd hunt us down and leave the remains. What you see is the result of your species Mu Qing, you and Tomio, but you two aren't like other humans, I know for a fact that the both of you were hated on by those around you and harbour I'll feelings towards those people, even those who claim to be your friends. It's quite a relief that not all humans are evil. Take Takeo, that bas(ad is the reason most of my people are dead! How can I live whilst that murderer still roams free?! A true evil in the world! Mu Qing you can help us, I know you can. You were born to one of the poorest of people and were looked down on because of your status, even when you became a god they disrespect you, sweeping General, isn't that what they call you. Isn't there a day in your life you wish you could stop that. What do you say Mu Qing help us take revenge for those who suffered and I'll give you the recognition you deserve! We only need your help!"

What! What does he mean?!

"Mum what do you mean, Mu Qing and Tomio are perfectly fine! well I guess except for the missing limbs and constant paranoia,"

Yūrei turned his head towards Yumi in a slow motion. He raised his hand and placed it on her head gently rubbing it in a circular motion," Yumi, sweetie, you must realise that pain and sorrow is not only shown through appearance but is also hidden behind the skin. They may seem fine but those two have gone through so much, and they can only take so much more,"

Walking over to Mu Qing, Yuu whispers in his ear," Mu Qing, we've all been through so much,if you will please accept this request it would be a great blessing to us all,"he raised his hand up in a deal making motion, there wasn't a hint of pleading in his voice in-fact if anything if was an emotionless monotone mess.

Contemplating the idea, the god of the south west struggled to come to a decision. On one hand these people were who he was looking for and were quite desperate, whereas on the other he should really return to heaven as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, as soon as it's over you'll be taken straight to heaven, unless you would rather stay with us"

They had truly backed Mu Qing into a corner. Take the hand of the people who know there way around the place having a better chance at survival or risk it and face the uncharted.

"I'll help, just take me back to heaven," Mu Qing said reaching out to grab the hand in front of him.

"Good choice," said Yuu, a glint of something appears in the two adult lovers eyes as Yuu shook Mu Qing's hand.

The deal was done, the only thing left was the result.

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