Suspicious Coincidences

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"Arm for sale! Any takers! It's been said to be one of the gods, a martial arts one in fact !" Announced the ghost seller.

"One of the gods, I wonder who's, hmm they're sure to be delicious!"

"It must cost lots!"


"How much?! I'm yearning for an arm!" Declared Qi rong, slamming his hands on the stand, hard.

Naming a random number the seller quickly handed the arm over to Qi rong. A crazed smile was plastered on Qi rong's face.

"Oh my! Cousins will surely fancy what I have, time to pay him a little visit!"


"Oh dearest cousin! Your lovely cousin Qi rong has decided to use his precious free time to spend time with you!"

"F:ck off you b;tch!" hissed Hua Cheng.

"Now, now San lang don't start a fight, it's hard enough when Mu Qing and Feng Xin are together we can't have the shrine fall down again," chimed Xie Lian.

"My dearest cousin, I, your closest cousin, was only intending to bring news of your friend ,the servant, when all of a sudden your stupid husband starts bullying me!"

"Alright I'll sort out San Lang! Now what's the news about Mu Qing,"

"I don't think I'm going to tell you anymore!"

"Please, Qi rong just tell us,"

"Alright, we'll I was walking through the ghost market when a seller was giving away an arm, guess who's arm it was, it was your dearest servant boys, that's right his arm has been cut off," cackled the green ghost.

"That couldn't have happened, I just saw him a few days ago!"

"I have proof," he said, pulling out the arm from who knows where, "see it's the servant boy's arm, check it yourself if you don't believe me!"

Xie Lian took the arm and examined it, his eyes widened. He turned quickly around to his husband,"San Lang how long has this been cut off for!"

The one eyed ghost looked down at the arm, " it seems to be around 3 days old, you visited them around 5 days ago right, something must have happened between those two days."

It wasn't that Hua Cheng cared about what happened to Mu Qing but he knew that his husband would be worrying constantly about his friend and he didn't want that.

Raising two fingers to his temple, Xie Lian screamed into Feng Xin's private array," Feng Xin something's wrong with Mu Qing, one of his arms has been cut off! Check on him quickly, I'll be in heaven as fast as possible!"

"His arm! What happened to him?!"

"I don't know, just go quickly!"

"Yes your highness!"

Feng Xin set off quickly for Mu Qing's palace, his heart pounding in his head and worry was eminent on his face.

When he arrived he grabbed one of the nearest deputies and yelled at them," where's your general! WHERE IS HE!"

"Our general hasn't come back from his mission, I apologise General Nan Yang you will have to return another time if you wish to speak with our general,"

Dammit! He's not here!

"What mission did he have? Did he tell you where he was going!"

"I'm sorry, but our general gave us little information on the subject, but he has recently visited Ling wen perhaps she was the one who gave our general the missions, I apologise for not being much help!" Spoke the deputy bowing slightly and turning around to leave.

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