Chapter 11: Reese

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I woke up at the top of some random roof with a flood of thoughts terrorizing me. I had so many questions for myself. Why did I do that? Why did I reveal myself? Why was I so stupid?

When I first started this job, my employers warned me not to reveal myself because 'nothing good would come of it.' Now I finally knew what they meant. For some ridiculous reason, I showed my soulmate my true form. Of course that terrified her! What normal human wouldn't be scared of a literal devil?

I leaned my head back to stare into the blazing sun, inhaling sharply to try and clear my mind. All that time I spent trying to coax Valarie into working alongside me was completely wasted. I had nothing to show for my effort and was now even further behind schedule than before. I hadn't accomplished anything!

I slowly rose to my feet and brushed off my pants before stretching my arms wide to get my blood pumping and prepare myself for the day. I no longer had time to carefully and cautiously commit crimes. If I got caught, I got caught. It would be my own fault for being so incompetent anyway. And what's really the worst that would happen? I could get caught and killed?

If I couldn't accomplish even this much, then my life was worthless anyway.

I swiftly transformed back into my human disguise and peered over the edge of this roof that I randomly perched on last night. While reading it upside down was kind of hard, the building's sign appeared to be referencing some sort of supermarket. And by the looks of it, this store could sell anything with so much space. A smirk spread across my face as an idea came to mind.

Time to do what my people did best: cause some chaos.

Grabbing the ledge with one hand, I jumped off the roof and swooped around to kick the window of what appeared to be the third floor, shattering it in the process. I used my own momentum to fling the rest of my body through the opening, and landed in a perfect crouch inside. I waited for just a moment before standing up to scan my surroundings.

The place seemed fairly empty; only one other person was on this floor with me. The poor lady looked like she would die of shock, dropping her shopping basket and stumbling back. She probably hadn't expected to watch someone throw themselves through the third story window today. Her eyes widened, seeming like they would bust out their sockets at any second as she fell to the floor with a bloodcurdling scream. I scoffed and waved sarcastically as she scrambled away from me, screaming the entire time.

Already footsteps were rushing up the stairs to see what caused the commotion, so now I needed to actually accomplish something. If my soulmate went and sold me out to her cop friends, then my time was limited anyway. It would be best to make the most of what I had left.

Now I would show my employers what a devil with nothing to lose was truly capable of...

I roundhouse kicked the closest shelf, causing all nearby shelves to fall like dominos. As the store employees made it to my floor, one of the shelves fell towards the top of the stairs. Even more screams filled the air as they ran out of its way. This mixed with the ringing of phones desperately calling the police melded into a perfect symphony of chaos.

Realizing we'd have company soon, I rushed towards those stairs and slid down the side of the fallen shelf to reach the next floor, crashing into a backyard display and knocking over a grill. Wait... was it plugged in?

I burst out laughing at my great luck. Turning the grill on as high heat as possible, I strolled away to wreck more displays. As that familiar burning scent filled my lungs, I leapt down to the first floor. All eyes were fixed on me for a split second as the other customers processed what happened. Only a second later, they bolted out the door with their groceries still in hand, all kinds of alarms going off in the process.

Amidst the beeping, screaming, and smoke, I stood taller and inhaled sharper. This felt more like home. I finally felt alive.

While all the customers made it out before I could stop them, a few employees were still stuck on the stairs. I turned back to them with a malicious smile as they flailed around to try and escape. I stalked towards them slowly, debating the best way to guarantee their deaths. Nothing racked up more points with the higher ups than murder.

Thankfully, I just so happened to be in the kitchen section. I ripped a few knives out of their packaging and threw them like a professionally trained circus performer, each hitting someone directly between the eyes.

As I ended each employee, I spotted one with glowing eyes. I saved him for last, not even throwing a knife at him. Instead, I twirled the sharp object in my hand while menacingly stalking closer to him. His screams filled the burning store and his pointless attempts at escape grew even more frantic.

"Please... PLEASE!" he begged desperately.

I scoffed at his stupid attempts at survival and stared directly into his eyes before stabbing the left one. I ripped the knife back out, leaving him screaming on the floor while clutching his empty socket.

I wanted to keep torturing the man, but by this point the police and fire trucks were already right outside.

Time to flee.

I chucked the knife back at him, stabbing him in the heart and ending two lives with one throw. Then I shifted into my true form and flew through the store's roof, leaving a gaping hole in my wake. Smoke rose through the jagged hole, hiding me within it as I landed. With each growing second, the flames expanded further, engulfing anything it came in contact with. As the store filled its unending hunger, I smiled at myself. This was a perfect way to leave little evidence behind.

After double checking there were no onlookers, I leapt to another building to make my escape. I shifted back, redid my poofy ponytail and casually strolled through the office building. I waved to everyone I passed by as though I worked there and no one seemed to question it. Most of them were on the phone to make sure the fire wouldn't spread to them anyways, so barely anyone noticed my presence.

After calmly walking away from the chaotic scene I'd just caused, I already began planning what to do next. In a big city like this one, the possibilities were endless. Had I just killed multiple people and burned tons of money worth of products? Yes. Did I care? No.

Why would I give two shits about human lives?

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