The Palace of Dreams

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Shambhavi's POV

To say I was too mesmerized by what my eyes were seeing would be an understatement. The smell, the songs, the birds, and the children everywhere felt like a life one would want to live. The thought of this place as my home, my heart just jumped like a little child, and not only was it my home, but I am a princess. Wow, life does turn out good.

I wish I could regain the memory of my life, the life I lived in this beautiful place, as soon as possible. But just as that thought crossed my mind, I felt something touching my hand, and my eyes moved in that direction to find my sister's hand lightly squeezing mine; it was like she could recognize my inner turmoil, and I am grateful for it.

But nothing could have prepared me for the next moment when an audible gasp left my mouth as my breath got stuck in my throat. It was like I was in a dream, a very vivid dream.

In front of me stood the grand gates. The gates are massive, towering overhead and adorned with elaborate designs. Each carving tells a story; I wish I could remember or know what it is. The intricate details shout about the exquisite craftsmanship, with every figure and detail meticulously carved to perfection.

As the carriage comes to a stop, the guards standing at the gates come forward to open them dressed in traditional attire, their faces stern yet respectful. With a creak, the gates slowly swing open.

'And that's our home,' SuryaTeja pointed as my widened eyes at what was behind the door!

It was getting better and better, appearing like a golden fire ablaze with the sun's radiant light standing what looked like a heaven in the ground. The entire structure seems to glow from within, casting a warm, inviting aura that envelops everything around it; the intricate carvings on the walls catch the sunlight, creating a dazzling display of golden hues that dance and flicker like flames. The domes and spires gleam fiery, their golden surfaces shimmering in the sunlight. The sea, stretching out behind the palace, reflects this golden fire, transforming its surface into a shimmering pool of liquid gold. The waves seem to catch the light and throw it back, adding to the enchantment of the scene. As I gaze upon this spectacle, I can't help but feel like I am witnessing something magical.

Being there made my heart flutter with happiness, and the thought of whether I belonged there also crept in. These look too good to be true, but the people I have encountered all seem great so far. Or is it just my loss of memory that prevents me from identifying other people's true identities?

'Akka, we would walk down the path briefly to meet our parents and others. So, don't talk to me from now on, and don't be sad if I don't acknowledge you. OK? And please don't talk until I say so.' SuryaTeja's sharp eyes and words made me gulp and inhale the heavy breath into my lungs to help my breathing. Of course, everything will not be good all the time. And indeed, by her looks, there is something deep here that I unfortunately cannot remember. But I guess I have to go with what I am being told for now, so I nodded and remained silent.

A pretty long staircase caught my eye as the carriage neared the palace. I peeked through the carriage curtains, gazing at each step, only to stop at the two figures standing at the end. Who are they? Are they related to me? How should I behave with them? Are they our parents Surya just spoke about? There were so many questions and no answers.

'Wait for a few seconds once I get down and keep a distance, OK?' Surya smiled and got ready to get down as the carriage stopped. To say my anxiety was peaking high would be an understatement. The curtains opened, and the surroundings became a pin-drop silent. The horses' steps stopped, and the sound of sandals hitting the ground was loud and clear.

Surya tapped my hands reassuringly as she got down from the carriage, and I silently awaited for the time to pass so that I could do the same. My breathing became rapid; I quickly shut my eyes and tried to breathe in and breathe out to keep away the surroundings, noise, silence, expectations and people and think of nothing so that I could live.

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