Laughter in the Storm

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Third-Person POV

The moment she opened her eyes, the moment she was out of the dream, the moment her eyes met the ones looking at her with emotions she couldn't process.

Tears started to pour out of her eyes, and it was like she couldn't control herself, nor did she know why she was crying. Her mind raced to the image of someone who called out to her, the one she couldn't see; who was that? Is that just a figment of her imagination? But that voice, she had heard it before.

She could never close her eyes again, and everything happened in a blurry; the guy whose eyes captured hers went out running after smiling at her, only to be returned with two more people; this caused her to try to back away.

She is unsure where she is anymore or who she is; a million thoughts run through her brain, and different faces emerge, yet she can't grasp any of them.

'Putri, don't fear us', the woman's voice calmed her slightly but not entirely. As she currently sits at the edge of the bed, and any more movement, she will be on the floor. She gulped and swallowed the spit back into her mouth.

'Who- who are you guys?' she stuttered and looked at them, hoping to receive an answer, but to her displeasure, only an erke silence prevailed.

Before her, three people stood there with what looked like a confused reaction. They looked at each other, trying to comprehend what she just said. It is almost like gibberish, but they let it pass as she has just woken up and maybe having difficulty talking.

As they were about to ask again, the silence in the room was interpreted by heavy footsteps. All heads turned to find the Gurudev Dronaachraya arrived.

'Gurudev', Arjun said and bowed with respect. Drona nodded at him, and as his eyes found the girl now awake and sitting, he smiled.

Drona turned to his wife, Kripi, for the details, but the silence made him raise his eyebrow.

'What happened? Is everything alright?' Kripi nodded and went over to the scared girl; she slowly touched her arm and smiled at her, indicating that everything would be alright.

'Why don't you three give us some alone time?' Kripi's words made Drona get what she was implying, and he nodded as the men left the room. Kripi turned around.

'Putri, it's OK. Just relax and take your time. I will be here with you. I am Kripi, and the one who has just come here is my Husband Dronaachraya.' Those kind words made the young girl calm down even further.

'My husband already wrote to your Kingdom; they will be here any day now.' Kripi smiled as she motherly patted the young girl's head.

Kingdom? What Kingdom? Wait a minute, what language is she thinking in? What language was the woman speaking before her? How in the world could she understand that?

'Putri, are you alright? Do you feel sick?' Kripis's motherly concern raised as she saw the girl's reaction. She is scared to think what the poor girl might face to have an impact like this.

'OK, don't worry. Can you understand me?' The young girl nodded her head. Kripi smiled slightly.

'OK, are you OK to speak? What is your name?' Right at that question, the young girl's mind froze. Name? What is her name? Why couldn't she remember anything?

'I don't know', She whispered, this time in the language they were speaking; she didn't know how but could know more than one language.

'OK, it's not a problem. Since the people from your Kingdom will be reaching here, we will get all the information from them.' Kripi smiled and helped the girl out of the bed.

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