Fire's Legacy

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Jwalanakshetra, the golden land. Nestled along the southern coast, the ocean covers its borders; as its name suggests, the sun paints the sky in hues of crimson gold, thus giving the land its name.

The Kingdom holds a great legacy of the powerful line of southern warriors of Bharat, and for centuries, no other kingdom was able to defeat nor capture it. The country's history is etched with tales of heroic battles and the rulers who safeguarded it and respected it more than their lives.

Each King and Queen that served got their place in people's hearts throughout the generations and made the nation what it is.

The land got its nickname 'The Jewel of South' over the years of witnessing various wars and the courage of its warriors.

The current King put his people before anything and followed his ancestors.

Aagneya, as the name suggests, is truly a son of fire; he radiates the glow and power of fire. The true King of the nation whom everyone loves and respects. He made sure to protect and provide.

But life is not always perfect no matter how you try; everyone has that one thing they love and must leave it for something. Some are lucky, and some had no luck but to let go, yet keep it close to their heart for years.

We have had to travel in the past for this. Are you ready? Ok buckle up

As the day brightens, the land of the jewel, the young hearts start to race through the day; the energy of youth is unmatched, the prime of humans who fight, laugh, run and love harder.

As the eyes of a fine young boy smile as he wanders into the forest looking for prey to strike, he is earlier and ready on his mark so that he can win the bet he placed with his friend; after all, he is the prince, and he will win.

However, no matter how much he searched, he could never find the three-horned deer, yes you heard it right; the country of 'Jwalanakshetra' has a unique deer that only comes once in three generations, and it's said to bring auspiciousness and victory for its capture. All his ancestors captured it and went on to become the greatest of incredible, and he always waited for his chance.

As the autumn leaves fell and crowded the forest floors, he carefully rode his horse into the clearing and got down to look around; he inhaled the smell of the forest sand; the quiet place took him to another place. As much as he loves a calm place, he has to rush and finish the job.

As he went and set himself up against the big rock, he got a pretty good view of everything. And he waited; one thing he learned about hunting is that fast and chase comes after, but patience and waiting come first. Many fail in that, but as a trained warrior, he knows when to remain silent and when to act.

So he waited for what felt like an eternity, but he didn't let his mind wander, and just like he witnessed the most beautiful thing, the three-horned deer wandering like a king of the forest, the majesticness it held awed him. He slowly and silently lifted his bow and aimed for the perfect shot right through its neck so that the head would be a clean shot.

With the creak of the bow, he released the arrow and saw it fly across the field, and when it was just about to hit the target, his arrow was struck by something else; this caused the deer to run away, away from the light the clearing to the dark, gloomy forest, far away from the sight of humankind.

His fierce eyes looked at the intruder with rage, wanting to fight the hell out of them. He jumped out of hiding and marched forward to where his arrow lay.

He slowly picked it up, and just like that, he heard the footsteps running; he wiped his head as he gritted his teeth and ran chasing the footsteps; he sure was not going to let them leave; whoever they were, they would indeed, not escape without a proper explanation of what just happened.

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