Eternal Threads

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Kala Chakra would never bend or bow to any particular individual to alter the course of events or time. The wheel of time always passes the timeline to complete the events and start another one to allow the world to obtain its purpose. But in our story, the Kala Chakra paved the way for that one beautiful soul not only to pass through but to go back in time.

The time when the earth was prosperous, where the air was purest, and life thrived to the peak. Some called it the time of heaven on earth. The celestials roamed the earth in their original form, and demigods were not an imagination but walked along with mortals, where rishis passed down their wisdom.

But there was one place with everything mentioned above, which held all the secrets to life, science, spiritualism, god, and everything. The place where even the richest of the richest want to be, even the most knowledgeable person trying to find. Such a place is none other than Bharatam.

The Yug, where magic was in the air, when the holy Ganga prided across the cities, causing them to flourish, gold adorned almost all the places. The divine energy filled each person's home. Food was the primary medicine, and life was easy, but Dharma needed to be followed to obtain Moksha, just like in Kaliyug. Even with everything around, every divine energy combined, people's hearts sometimes yearned for more and more. Power and politics are all just like today, but only there is someone whose presence makes it different.

The one whose presence made flowers bloom, the one whose music cured all the diseases of the people around him, the one whose beauty is hard to describe, the one who taught the world the purest form of love, the one who was loved by all gopikas(Cowherd Women), the one whose laugh made others smile along.

Well, doesn't this make you want to see him? Doesn't it make your heart want to be with him? Doesn't this make you also hope that Kala Chakra lets your soul pass through to witness this? Well, he is none other than Shree Krishna. He will guide us on this journey—the journey where you witness the soul that transcends beyond time and, above all, divinity.

Somewhere in the middle - DwaparYug

As the sky slowly loosened its pigment and as the red giant started to wake up millions of mortals to start the day, as the worker bees began to swarm around the flowers to get the nectar out of them, as the cattle moos for the food from their beloved humans.

As part of the world started its day off, one soul who holds a million questions and looks for the answers in silence, the soul that expects what it's never received from many he had known. It's a young man whose birth was deemed as bad as he is born in what they calculated as an evil hour.

He is alive because of his father's stand and his love for him. Yet he has to share the love of his mother with his brothers, not 1 or 2 but 100 brothers.

People have different opinions; some call him arrogant, and others call him evil. But only he knows that he's just another young boy who has to grow up soon for the sake of his kingdom, his duty, and himself.

As he watched the sun slowly rise and paint the sky with an orange hue, which the river reflected, his thoughts started to flow in the same direction as the river before him. He looks around to see he is alone with nature, and nobody can rob this time away from him.

Before he flows the river Ganga, for other beings in this world, she is just another river. Still, for him, she is his great-grandfather's wife even though he is not a direct descendent from her, the mother of the person he respects more than anyone in this world, his Pithamagar (Great-Uncle/Grandfather). He smiled at the memory of him idolising his Pithamagar when he was just a boy; he still does but in a less noticeable way.

He knows his way differs from others; he doesn't publicise his nature and always says good and does good as his so-called cousins, whose birth caused more distance between him and the crown meant for him. He doesn't hate or dislike his cousins, but the state they put him in when they were younger caused a significant drift between their relationships.

He often got jealous of how his father (Dhritarashtra) and his younger brother (Pandu) were close and how their relationship bloomed throughout their life.

His respect towards the Late King Pandu grew as he heard and learned what a good person he was. If only fate didn't play as it did, he would have his uncle in his life.

When Pandu left the kingdom while handing the crown and the responsibility of the kingdom to his father, who was supposed to be king in the first place, but it got snatched by his disability of blindness, everything changed. As the firstborn of King Dhritarashtra, it was always clear that he would be the next crown prince and then the Maharaj.

But when their cousins came back after the demise of Pandu, there was a significant change in the plans, and he knows that many favour the firstborn son of Pandu, Dharma Raj (Yudhisthir), who is elder to him, to be the next ruler.

But only he, his brothers, and his maternal uncle (Mama) knew it was unfair. Why must he give away his throne and crown, the God-given birthright? What was supposed to be a reunion between cousins became a gap that grew as they grew up.

That's when he started to bottle up his emotions so that one could play him up because, in this, there is no room for emotions.

As all the thoughts passed, he finally sighed and unwrapped his clothes tied at his hip to get the morning bath, to cool off all his emotions and take away the negativity.

His name is Suyodhanan, but only his close ones call him that, and others who find him difficult or see him in a bad light call him Duryodhan. But as far as he is winning, he doesn't care and takes both names as his.

Suyodhan POV

As I breathed in the freshness in the morning air, I loosened my clothes and stood in the glory of my birth suit, soaking in the mild heat of the sun. All my stress went away, or I would have hoped so.

I slowly descended into the cold water of the Ganga and found comfort in the moving river. As her stream swept past my body, washing away all the dirt along with my sins, I smiled at the feeling of rinsing away my negativity.

I slowly folded my hands and closed my eyes as I started to recite prayers to Surya Dev (The sun god). Surya Dev always provides me with warmth, and I often find comfort in his light, for which I am thankful.

'Om Surya Devay Namah,' I slowly mumbled as I sharply inhaled and went into the water to complete my bath.

After the first time, I felt the icy cold of the water waking every nerve in my body; this wake-up call made my day worth it.

I returned to the surface, exhaled, and recited the Mantra again, only to continue the steps. The second dipping is for the wellness of my mind; this calms my mind and processes throughout the day. As I returned the second time, I felt something different, maybe the air or the sun, but I felt good.

I smiled and inhaled as I went in for my last dip in the flowing river; this one was for my soul. To connect my soul with the oneness, to reduce the ache of my soul. With that, I returned and exhaled, but I felt like something heavy was latching onto me this time.

As I opened my eyes slowly to find something, no, someone latched onto my arm as they seemed lifeless. Something I never thought happened was that my soul finally stopped aching.


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