forty two.

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"are you sure it's okay for you to go to school?" nina questioned in concern, watching her best friend struggling to put on her shoes without wincing in pain.

"i'm fine." bella breathed out, her words not reassuring at all for the sibuna girls. "staying inside is boring, and i can't really afford to miss classes." she added, shrugging her shoulders. nina sighed, nodding her head as the sibuna boys filed into the room. 

"so, everyone's hearing back to normal this morning?" she asked the room, bella hearing all about their tunnel journey from last night that she had missed out on due to her injury, as amber spent the morning complaining about how she couldn't hear anything.

"speak up, nina, stop mumbling." the blonde remarked, busily fixing her makeup as patricia was stood next to her, holding a mirror in her hand. 

"that answers that question." nina humourlessly chuckled, nodding her head. 

"hey fabian, do you wanna play before breakfast?" alfie suddenly asked, two army dolls in his hand as they made sounds. 

"alfie, you are not nine years old! everyone, can we please focus?" nina snapped, clearly growing more anxious at how much worse her friends are getting. 

"erm... focus on what?" fabian asked in genuine confusion, already forgetting what he was doing here.

"the task, fabian!" nina answered, exasperated with how many times she's had to repeat herself to him. 

"right! erm.. i'm sorry, the memory's getting worse." he apologised, bella feeling bad for the boy as he was clearly trying his best to keep up.

"i think it's pretty clear, everyone's getting pretty worse." nina commented, glancing around the room at her cursed (and injured) friends. "okay guys, we need to find a way to finish this task and lift the curse. it's gotta be about knowing the melody," she continued, turning to fabian. "if sarah was here, she would know." 

riddle me this. ― ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴᴜʙɪꜱWhere stories live. Discover now