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A few days later..

Ella wakes up all of a sudden at an early time of this day, apparently the first waking up in the vehicle, where she had slept in.

Ella groans as she started to slowly open up her eyes, her eyes heavy from the remaining tiredness in Ella's body. She finally had awoken up in the vehicle, opened her eyes already, she realized she was the first one to wake up maybe. She was not really sure if she is the first one to wake up in this vehicle.

She then reached her body to sit down at the spot where she had slept. She seemed to struggling trying to stand up at the car, since the others besides her was still asleep. Ella turned her head over the other side, taking her gaze at the car's window to check the sky if it was either night or day.

After taking a look at the view of outside, it seemed to be an early morning at this time. She sighed in disbelief and finally sat down at her passenger seat spot properly. Avoiding touching one of the people beside her to not wake up from her sudden movements in the car.

"Why wake up so early.."
Ella muttered on her breath, aggressively leaning her head behind her.

Ella let out an deep sigh inside the vehicle and leaned forward, deciding to take a small walk outside for maybe fresh air. Ella carefully reached her arm towards the car door to open it. She quietly successfully opened it smoothly.

She let a sigh of relief and slid out of the car with the swift of motion. Ella got out of the vehicle and went behind the car to check the trunk, checking if theres any supplies inside. It was a little dark at this time of the day, since it was still early.

"Oh greaat.."
Ella whispered to herself with annoyance and irritation as she seen what is inside the trunk.

"We ran out of gas. Strange."
Ella said, forwards to nobody in the area.

"Oh, you're awake! I'm glad..!"
A male voice in the distance appeared at the air, the tone was worried and concerned. It was John at the distance.

Ella replied to John with a broken-raspy and dry tone to him as she turned at the direction he was in, looking at him approaching at her, running.

"I have terrible news!"
John said at Ella with a panicking tone after that. He finally arrived at Ella, trying to catch his breath, sweating as well.

"The fuck happened?"
Ella asked John with a concerned look on her face, wondering what happened at this time, since it was still dark.

"The supplies—"
John says, pausing on his words, afraid to tell it all towards Ella.

"The supplies what?"
Ella replied towards him, yelling with a concerned tone and face once again.

"The supplies— Are all gone!"
John yells, trying to catch his breath again and sweating a lot, lookd like he had stayed up all night since he had a sleepy face and his eyebags was looking tired.

"Where could've they gone to, John?! Supplies does not walk like they have legs on them!"
Ella shouted towards at John, her tone was enough to wake everybody up at this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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