- Chapter 7 ; Dark Seeks Light

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Crap.. Was that Savannah's screams just now? Is this my fate? I had kept running fast and tried to avoid getting reached by the zombies that I had encountered in the pathway of my rushes. I accidentally tripped in one of the roots from a gnarled tree up ahead.

Abbie groans as she tries to resist the root that had trapped within her leg. Abbie had been panicking on what to do at this time, shredding tears thinking that this would be her last moments at this disaster.

Abbie still attempts to resist the roots and then got free'd from it. Abbie tries to stand up. But, she felt pain in the leg that she was just trapped within the roots of the gnarled oak tree. She grunts as she tried to resist the pain that was happening at the moment, making her feel uneasy and not able to move freely as she likes.

"Freaking heck.. Get me out of here.."
Abbie murmured to herself, trying to walk with her legs being on pain.

It had seemed that zombies' growls had became nearby and close on where Abbie's direction was onto. Abbie tries to run faster, but. Zombies had already appeared at her sight.

Abbie attempted to increase her agility. But suddenly, she had fell into the ground unexpectedly. Zombies walked towards her from the ground, growling. Abbie backs away from them, her eyes completely with surrender and despair. Abbie then closed her eyes, preparing for her final moments in her life.

As the zombies walked towards her, about to get down to devour her, there was an shocking thing that has been happening at the moment. Abbie had realized that she had a pistol in her pocket. She immediately grabbed the pistol and checked the bullets first and held the trigger, pointing it to one of the zombies that was first in her sight.

"Die you fuckin' rotten beasts."
Abbie says, still laying in the ground.

Abbie then pushed the trigger to a zombie, hitting it's head successfully. Abbie tries to get up, holding her wound from her leg then walks awayfrom the area.

Abbie had her pistol in one of her hands, she tried to run, picking the pace of her walks, turning into a run. She groans as the pain was still occurring. She had gotten away from the zombies after a while after of running.

Abbie leaned in a oak tree, then fell into the ground, trying to catch her breath from all of that madness. She knew that it will be rough for her in the next few lonely days. Abbie lowered her head, craving for any food.

It was clear that she was clearly hungry and thirsty at this moment. She tries to resist that pain of her stomach rumbling, that Abbie felt her eyes closing by its own. Abbie then randomly felt asleep, letting go of her own weapon.

It seems that it will be rough without any companions at her side in the next few days.. It has been unknown for where had Chloe had went and did she even survive this unexpected encounter with a horde from their camp.




At this moment, the group has been focused and excited for the very first campfire that had been hosted for the group. The youth had been pretty excited to have a meat feast in tonight. The older ones had been focusing on protecting the group lately.

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