- Ch 4 ; Personal Adventure

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As Mark, John and Ella walked towards their path, they came across a gas station with a convenience store. Ella pointed out the area and decided to move near the store. They slain some of the zombies roaming around the area. Suddenly, a zombie from the ground held Mark's leg and reached it to it's mouth.

Ella yelled out to Mark whilst assisting John on his encounter.

"Hurry your ass up, Ella!"
John yelled to Ella, giving a small command.

"Language, you bitch!"
Ella yelled back to John then rushes to Mark.

Mark whined, looking for assistance and at the same time, trying to shake off the zombie's hands.

Ella rushed to Mark, then hits the zombie's head with her own ax. What a relief. Ella exhaled deeply and helped Mark get up.

"Took you long."
Mark sighed, stretching his back.

"Then, I'm completely sorry, your Majesty."
Ella teased then looked over to John.

Ella had a glimpse of John having a rumble with the zombie. It felt like— She had feelings for him. Suddenly, Mark clapped his hands towards my face.

"Hello? It's obvious that you clearly have feelings for him, confess already."
Mark yapped.

"Shut up."
Ella says then slaps Mark in the face, leaving a red mark.

Mark screamed like a woman.

"Y'all just staring at me, making me fight off this beast myself, hmph."
John whined, crossing both of his arms after putting his own axe in his bag.

"We know you could handle that."
Mark and Ella both said the same thing.

Mark and Ella then once again said the same thing at this moment.

"Heh, let's move on inside, shall we?"
John invites.

"I'm freaking hungry man. I hope they still have a bag of chips not expired."
Mark yawned, walking towards the entrance of the convenience store.

"You're too excited for food. Remember, this is for the group's survival."
Ella scoffed.

"Yeah, what Ella just said—"
John murmured, acting awkward.

They all prepared to get inside the store, full aware that there is still inside some zombies. John opened the entrance, luckily, it was not locked.

As Mark and Ella soon went inside, they both prepared their own weapons, ready to wield and barge into some zombies' heads.

They all tried to keep their presence unknown, so they will be able to get supplies quicker and easier. As Mark and Ella picked their own shelves, they started packing up their emptied bags with supplies.

John was on the lookout when there is a zombie, he will be able to kill it. Ella took liquid goods, canned goods and some chips that was nearby to her shelf. On the other side, Mark had stuffing his own bag with chips, some liquid goods such as, energy drinks, softdrinks and water.

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