- Ch 11 ; Loosen Screw

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It has been 76 days ever since the world had collapsed to the voids. The world is corrupted and filled with horrific cannibal-eating beasts that is called as Zombies.

I am just here, laying in the car looking at the nature that remains in this planet. It has been so long ever since everything started to be rough for everyone.

I wish I could just open my eyes and see that this is all just a long dream of mine and it will be just another day oversleeping, late for classes.

My part-time job is literally just killing disgusting looking, rotting zombies roaming around, walking non-stop with no sleep at all. I still have my group, for now. We maybe he remnants from our school, surviving.

I wanna go back where everything was like frok the past, joy and cheerful. Seeing everybody die in despair and fear makes me wanna sob in the whole day. It feels like.. It is all my fault. Why do everybody die?

Gosh.. I am overdramatic..


I guess it is what it is for now.


Awakening in this time of the day, one leans towards my shoulder, completely still sleep but also snorng besides me, Jonathan.

I groan as I stretches my arms, trying to not wake Jonathan up and the others that is besides me too. I try to sneak out from the vehicle, it went successful. I got out of the car, leaving the others: Jonathan, Ralph, Jean, Matheo and Lawrence. Some might had already awakened up.

I continue to stretch my body, yawning and then proccedded to the area where thre others might be in. As I walked, I yawned once again and sought laying in the ground, an ax.

I look at it for a couple of seconds blankly and bent down to picked it up, observing it. I held it with my right hamd as I continue to walk to the area. I had not seen anybody in the campfire area. Strange..

I looked around the area with both of my eyes, overall, nothing. Just a pile of sticks laying in the ground and also as well chairs that had been thrown for some reason. What might be going on?

I simply rushed to the 2nd vehicle and looked through the windows and saw nothing inside. No people. What the hell?

"Where the hell.."
Zylin murmured to herself.

Suddenly, a snarling noise appeared in Zylin's back. A zombie fell at Zylin, making her fall into the ground. Zylin attempts to call for help.

"Wake up you guys!!"
Zylin yelled, trying to avoid the zombie surrounding her in the ground.

Zylin groans into the ground, knocking at the car so loudly with her free hand.

Zylin whispers, gritting her teeth.

A person shouts out, calling to Zylin.

Zylin whispers to herself.

The unknown figure ran towards Zylin, footsteps of running was aggressive. The figure wields her baseball bat, it looks, causing the zombie to growl and fall to the ground, besides Zylin's head. Zylin sighs in relief, catching her breath from the panicking.

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