- Ch 15 ; Ignored Sight

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John looks over to the zombie's corpse laying unto the ground as Abbie finished killing it with her base ball bat.

John whispers to himself with amusement towards Abbie, thinking she has the potential.

"You are acting weird ever since Abbie arrived at the group, you have.. Ermm.. Feelings for her?"
Ella looks at John with a grossed-out look on her face as she realized she was looking at Abbie after that.

"Keep this a secret,"
John looks over to Ella, putting his hand over to hid mouth on the side, covering his words on what he is planning to speak with Ella.

Ella murmurs on what John just said.

"She—She's kind of... You know what it means."
John lets out a small giggle for the first time, tilting his head and smiled over to Ella

Ella sighs as she turned towards the group's tea after that.

A moment later... 3 Hours Later..

Ella's POV

Ella was sitting in one of the vehicle's driver's seat at this moment, alone by herself just trying to take a small nap inside the car. She recalls what had happened earlier..

She sighs as she leaned forwards and placed her own head in the car steering wheel, banging it gently and softly, sensitive to get hurt by the banging of her head.

"I see.."
Ella mutters onto her breath then stopped banging her head in the car steering wheel but still has her head pushing in the steering wheel.

She leans back to her seat, looking at the trees at the windows with amusement as she found the nature a wonderful creation of earth. She was kind of a nature type of person.

"He's ugly, Ella."
Ella whispers to herself with annoyance and sighs as she continues looking at the trees' leaves swinging by the air as the wind makes the motion of the leaves.

Ella placed both of her hands into the steering wheel, biting her lower lip gently.

"take a sleep you idiot."
Ella yelled at herself like a crazy person.

Suddenly, one of the car door opened from the back at the car. It was Jean that has opened the door all of a sudden in this aggressive moment of Ella's.

"You okay? Just checking up on ya."
Jean said forwards Ella with an worried tone in her voice as she looked over to Ella at the driver's seat.

"Oh—! Jean, you scared me to death there."
Ella jumped as she noticed it was Jean, she turned her head at the back, looking over to Jean who seemed to be carrying an bag with both of her hands.

"What are you carrying there?"
Ella says towards to Jean, asking what she is currently carrying at her hands.

"Just some leftovers, not really special."
Jean scoffs and lets out a small smile to Ella.

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