- Ch 3 ; Snap Back to Reality

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Day 42nd.

Terrifying nightmares of comrades dying.
Seeing how I fall to despair. Is this even my destiny?
Is this what life is all about? Losing one and another? The guts and organs spreading out, blood going out to form a huge puddle.

Seeing my beloved ones die in terror. Seeing my comrades fall in their faith and give away out their hope, abandoning it. Looking over to the endless void, staring over it, thinking of what I had already decided for the future.

Why must this be my faith? Is this what they call judgement? Seeing the man I like get eaten up and get devoured by rotten corpses. Oh my dear.. Please get me out of this already. Stop giving me ideas to survive this mess longer.

I want to live a short life. I want to cry so hard. I fall to the void and sob in the void's floor. Crying so much that blood appears on my own tears. Lend me a hand..

I attempt to raise my head, seeing a entity standing before me. It tilts it's head and knelt over me, it feels like it's reaching out to me. But then..

"Snap back to reality."



Ella suddenly woke up whilst sleeping with a strange dream in her thought, sitting in the backseat, with her seatmates. Mark and Jonathan were completely drooling towards Ella..

Crap. Their nasty salivas are creeping me off! Grrh..
Snoring and drooling! What a crazy combination!
Sleeping together with classmates is such a disaster already. Ella lowered her head and sighed silently.

Somebody had yawned inside the car, the voice was Zylin. Ella raised her head and looked over to Zylin at the font seat area.

Said Zylin whilst yawning.

"Morning, Zy."
Ella replied.

"What time is it, I ask?"
Zylin asked Ella.

"Oh— Hold on."
Ella replied.

Ella raises her arm and she looked over to her watch. It was certainly 7:48AM.

"It's almost 7:50AM."
Ella answered.

"That's too early.."
Zylin sighed.

Jonathan wakes up so sudden.

"The fu—"
Ella looked over to her side, seeing Jonathan just looking innocent.

"He's a weirdo"
Zylin scoffed and leaned her head in her seat.

John yawned and stretches his hands forward, wiping his eyes with his hands.

"Morning, another day of this crap."
John said whilst having a raspy voice.

"Are the others on the other vehicle?"
Ella asked curious.

"Yeah. Mark's in charge."
Zylin answered.

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