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As a morning without Tommy continues, Vanessa readies the day for her and Charlie.

Fixing a breakfast for them both to enjoy, playing with his toys a bit, and homeschooling Charlie the best that she can.
Vanessa smiles, proud that the little one is almost fluent in both French and English.

She bathes the baby, placing him back in his crib for a midday nap since they woke up so early.

As Charlie sleeps, Nessa takes time for herself.

Squeezing her eyes tightly shut, a gasp escapes her lips as she pulls the diamond from her backside.
Her knees become weak, nearly failing to hold her up being that she's been wearing the damn thing for an entire night now.

The plug has made her overstimulated, she's become overly pleasured and her body is erotically exhausted .

She gulps, quietly speaking to herself as she wraps the diamond in cloth and hides the expensive sex toy underneath the clothes of the top drawer of their dresser.
"I'll be fifteen-thousand pounds richer another day."

The girl soaks her skin in a hot bath, expecting to have a quiet day of relaxation without any idea of the trouble that has unfolded at the boxing match with the Peaky Blinders.

As she combs her wet freshly washed hair and dresses for the day, Vanessa becomes alarmed as she listens in on a commotion bursting through the front door downstairs.

She prepares her finger-blade, ready to slash anyone who could harm her or the baby.

Slowly climbing down the stairs, she hears screams that sound of Tommy's voice.

Her footsteps speed up, running to his rescue as she notices the mess of men in her kitchen.

"Vanessa." Arthur begs.
"You've gotta help us... It's Tommy, he's been shot."

The words pull on her heart in a way that she's never felt before.
In a way that has her realizing at one of the worst times for it, that she very much indeed... loves Thomas Shelby.

"I'm alright love!"
Tommy pants gently as he attempts to make her feel better. He becomes worried by the look of horror on her face as he stains their wooden floors with blood.
"Just a lil cut, can ya fix me up?"

The men move out the way, staring at the two with shock and sudden revelation of how much the two care for each other.

Vanessa crouches to her knees, mewing tearfully over what has happened.

He sweetly cups her face and Nessa leans deeply into his touch.

"I know." He gulps.
"I'm sorry. I'll never ignore your intuition again.
But please, help me Vanessa."

She notices his blood loss becoming worse and snaps into action.

Here in Small Heath, they don't have the many supplies she was taught to use in Nursing school.
She must make do with what they have.
"Arthur, Johnny, I need your knives!"

Vanessa searches Tommy's liquor cabinet for something clear and at least 150 proof alcohol.
She passes by all of his rums, wines, and whiskeys for a bottle of unopened vodka... a perfect sterilizer for what she is about to do.

She bites the unopened cap off with her teeth and Tommy begins to complain.
"That vodka was a gift! Don't use it, I've been saving it for a special occasion."

"Shut up Tommy!" Vanessa threats.
"Is saving your bloody life an occasion special enough for you?"

Tommy manages a chuckle through his pain. "Oui."

Vanessa pours the liquor over the blades, making them clean enough.
She then takes Tommy's lighter from his pants pocket and orders Johnny to burn the blade.

"Here!" She commands. "Burn it, and don't stop until it's bright red.. redder than his blood."

"W-Where's my boy?" Tommy stutters.
"Don't let him see me like this Nessa."

"I won't." She gulps.
"He's asleep right now, taking a nap.
But with what I am about to do to you...
You can't scream, or surely you will wake him."

Tommy nods.

"Wait." He stops her from proceeding.
"Kiss me... Kiss me so I know that this isn't you being cruel to me on purpose."

Vanessa chuckles, kissing his lips sweetly and startling the men around her who watch.
"As much hell as you put me through being so hard headed Thomas Shelby, a kiss from me couldn't determine if I'm being purposefully cruel to you or not."

Tommy laughs, however his chuckle soon fades into a piercing scream as she digs Arthur's knife into Tommy's wound and retrieves the bullet without warning.
The bullet falls to the ground after a bit of a fight and Vanessa cauterizes the bleeding hole with the red hot knife belonging to Johnny Dogs.

Tommy screams in agony as he smells the smoke from his burning flesh being cauterized, but luckily the procedure ends as quick as it begins...

Vanessa pours the vodka on the sealed wound to keep from any infection and Tommy finally gets a break as he heaves in breathy disbelief.

Tearing a long strip off of her clean dress, Vanessa bandages his wound across his chest and around his shoulder as she finishes what needed to be done

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Tearing a long strip off of her clean dress, Vanessa bandages his wound across his chest and around his shoulder as she finishes what needed to be done.

"Don't start crying on me now Thomas Shelby." She teases.
"You're supposed to be a businessman right?
This was strictly business."

Arthur bursts into laughter.

"Fucking hell!" He shouts, sliding the near empty bottle of liquor Tommy's way. "That was the greatest thing I've ever seen in my pathetic ol life! Here brother, take a shot.
Hell of a woman ye got there."

Tommy gulps back the rough shot

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Tommy gulps back the rough shot...
"Don't I fucking know it."

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