Flower Ranchers (has won the vote)

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This is the last pre-written chapter of the story! All of this was posted on March 29 2024! :D

Anyway, original Summary: Chat dump.

I know I know the summary is amazing

Original Notes: >:( ao3 is being mean and glitching out. I posted this 3/23/2024 and it says I haven't updated since 3/15/2024. >:((((((

Anyway, on another note, Flower Ranchers have won the vote!

This took way too long. Been busy this week, so I mean, it's been 8 days...

Anyway, enjoy!

Scott was very much panicking right now, thank you very much. A great way to be spending his Saturday.

At least he had Lizzie for company; she had decided to ditch Joel for the hurt friends. (Joel felt very betrayed and was very dramatic about it even though he wanted to ditch his own car to come along with Lizzie and Scott). Right now, Scott was driving rather poorly onto the highway as Lizzie (who had taken the front seat for some reason? Maybe because Tango and Jimmy were hurt???) texted on Desert Duo Ship.

"Should we get food?" Scott asked, cursing his bad driving skills. Jimmy was surprisingly good at driving, and had drove the both of them to the ski resort. Scott, not so much. Maybe he could get Lizzie to switch with him later. On the way home, maybe?

"I'm hungry," Jimmy volunteered.

"You need to get to the hospital," Lizzie argued.

"Good point," Jimmy said, settling back down. Tango laughed and leaned back into his (unfortunately not the front) seat, trying to ignore the pain in his leg.

"Maybe after?" He suggested. "Hmm, how long do you think we'll be in the hospital?"

"Long," Lizzie said. "I broke my wrist once. You have to get a cast. Likely larger than the one I had. The process goes overnight, I think."

"You think?" Tango asked.

"I mean, I was asleep the whole time," Lizzie shrugged. "So yeah, I think."

"How'd you break your wrist?" Jimmy asked as Scott fiddled with the window-wiping feature. It was starting to snow. Jimmy's car was confusing.

"Funny story, actually," Lizzie replied. "So one day, you know, I was walking down the stairs, wanted to feed my pet axolotl-"

"You have a pet axolotl?" Tango asked.

"She does," Jimmy said. "I've met her. She gave me one too, for my birthday."

"We're seablings," Lizzie explained. "I named my axolotl Cherry, she was pink, and Jimmy named his-"

"Cod," Jimmy put in.

"I will never, EVER understand your naming style," Scott said, wishing he could get off the highway and pass the driving activity on to Lizzie.

"Why Cod?" Tango asked, rather nicely, actually. When Jimmy told Joel about Cod, he had screamed. However, that may have been just because Joel was Joel, and Joel was dramatic.

"He looks like a cod, eats a lot of cod, and overall gives off very 'cod' feelings."

"Jimmy, how does an axolotl give off 'cod feelings'? Also, Lizzie, can you drive?"

"Hmm, probably better than you," Lizzie said. "Get off the highway and we'll switch."

"Thank cod," Scott said. Jimmy, Tango, and Lizzie all started laughing. "What?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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