Skiing (FINALLY)

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Original Summary: Everyone goes skiing! (and maybe some drama :o)

Yes the drama is about Flower Ranchers XD very light drama though it is li- NOT SAYING ANYTHING MY MOUTH IS TAPED SHUT SPOILERS = BAD.

Original Notes: Okay, I know I haven't updated in a while, but I recently just binged the "From the Archives" series by Sixteenthdays, which, btw, IS AMAZING, you should check it out (if u haven't already) and read the newest update from "Burning Flames or Paradise" by INSOMNYA, which, is ALSO a great fic. (I'm recommending things on my fic now??? Oh well)

IMPORTANT: If you don't know, easy tracks are green circles, intermediate tracks are blue squares, and hard tracks are black diamonds, and EVEN HARDER tracks are double black diamonds. Different ski resorts around the world do use different difficulty systems, and this is just the one that I use where I live, so I'm using it in my fic to prevent me from dying of confusion.

I dunno why I included the original notes in this chapter it is literally me just recommending fics XD

[Lizzie]: Which ski resort we going to again?

Was it the Alpine one?

[Grian]: I think so

Ask someone more reliable

[Joel]: I thought it was Black Bear???

[Impulse]: I think it was BB too

[Jimmy]: BB?

[Impulse]: Black bear

[Jimmy]: oh

[Pearl]: Didn't we decide on Monopoly Mountain???

[Scott]: Was it???

[Cleo]: Why is everyone so bad at communicating

I swear Ren told me we were going to the Dogwarts Ski Resort

[Ren]: We are going to Dogwarts though, right?

[Martyn]: Hmm I think so

[Skizz]: I also think it's the Alpine one



[Etho]: I have no idea which ski resort we're going to

[Joel]: Me neither

[Tango]: It was Minecraft, right???

[Jimmy]: Maybe???

Sounds familiar

But BB also sounds familiar

[BigB]: I also recognize BB

[Grian]: I think it was Minecraft personally

[Joel]: I don't trust you

You said it yourself:

You're not reliable

[Grian]: I did???

[Mumbo]: You did

[Pearl]: I have proof if u don't believe

[Grian]: Alright alright


[Gem]: I found the flier you gave me!

It's Minecraft!

[Scott]: Alright

Does anyone else need to rent skis yet

I dunno any good places

[Joel]: Try the one next to the pizza place

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