School Starts

21 0 1

Wow, another chapter??? Who would have guessed???

Anyway, this fic is all crack XD why are people actually reading this

Okay, another few things you should know: This fic was written using my stupid limited knowledge, meaning most of the references are the ones I know and have watched. Sorry if this disappoints you, but this fic focuses mostly on Grian and Joel, with a side of Jimmy, Pearl, Gem, Scott, Lizzie, followed by the rest.

[Grian]: Is everyone excited for school?

[Joel]: yeah, no

I hate school

they always try to get you to behave

[Grian]: you know, I dunno what I expected when I asked you that question

[Joel]: Ha

that's me!

So unexpected and handsome!

[Grian]: We're going to get together for a "last night before school" party!

Except it's not on the last night before school it's before that

We can't go to school if we don't sleep at night

[Mumbo]: Then think of a new name

[Grian]: Mumbo, "the day before the last night before school" doesn't sound very nice

[Gem]: You know, for once, I agree with Grian

[Grian]: What is THAT supposed to mean???

[Gem]: Exactly what you think it means

[Grian]: I have not even BEGAN to process that sentence yet

[Joel]: HA


[Grian]: Joel, you're doing it again!

Trying to force the attacks on someone else!

[Gem]: You know what, taunting Grian is more fun than taunting Joel anyway

Grian cares more about being taunted than Joel does


[Grian]: WAIT NO-

[Mumbo]: You know what, Gem?

I'mma join you


[Joel]: Ha


[Jimmy]: I'm here what u guys talking about?

[Gem]: We're taunting Grian again


[Jimmy]: oh okay


[Grian]: So many betrayels

[Joel]: Ha you can't even spell betrayals right


[Jimmy]: That's going a bit to far, isn't it?

[Joel]: Nah

[Gem]: I mean, I like it


Grian knows we're joking, anyway

Right Grian?

[Grian]: You know, I'm tempted to just say no to get you to stop

[Joel]: Nope

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