The Favor

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Original Summary: Pearl is very good at getting people together.

Original Notes: This chapter focuses mainly on Scarian, and scheming Pearl. Enjoy!

Me: I dunno how to write romance help
Also me: I need Scarian this instant
Again, me: ok slow burn what slow burn
Lots and lots of me: chucks that tag out the window

XD the chapter name is pretty self-explanatory as well as the summary and notes. Any predictions on how Pearl gets them together??? >:D

[Pearl] --> [Grian] & [Scar]

[Pearl]: Grian, Scar, come over

Or, I'll come over to one of ur houses

I don't care

[Scar]: My house it fine

Jellie is sitting on me rn and I don't rlly wanna get up

[Grian]: ?


[Pearl]: I'm calling in the favor

[Grian]: Hmm

Interesting favor

[Pearl]: no Grian

That's not the favor silly

But I need you and Scar together to call in the favor

[Grian]: This is getting more and more mysterious every second

omw now

[Pearl]: Great! :D

"Okay Pearl," Grian said, rubbing his eyes. He really hadn't gotten enough sleep yesterday. He and Joel had spent the whole night gossiping about Jimmy and Tango and ways to get them together. "What is the favor?"

"Where is Scar?" Pearl said instead, COMPLETELY ignoring Grian and also avoiding the question. Grian gave her a glare before he started looking around for Scar.

"I dunno," Grian said, looking puzzled. "I swear he was here a minute ago. Scar! Where are you!"

"I'm here," Scar said, poking his head out of his bedroom. "Pearl said it was best not to have Jellie in the room during the task. Also, Pearl, I do detest that remark, since Jellie certainly wouldn't get in the way if you just let her stay in the same room. She won't let go of my leg."

"I think she would get in the way," Pearl said, raising her eyebrows. "Look, Scar, I love her and all, but you would probably spend more time cooing at Jellie than actually focusing on the favor."

"Hmm," Scar said. "I will not agree with you, but I will put Jellie away." Grian and Pearl just stood there awkwardly as Scar peeled Jellie off his leg and shut the door.

"Alright," Pearl said. "Now, Grian, Scar, sit down on that couch," Pearl said, pointing to Scar's heavily beat-up couch. Likely Jellie's work.

"When did you get so bossy?" Grian joked, amused. His eyes crinkled at the edges as he tried not to laugh.

"I was always this bossy," Pearl insisted. "I just had nothing to be bossy about."

"What exactly are you being bossy about?" Scar asked, absolutely confused on why he was here in the first place. Grian owed Pearl an IOU, not Scar.

"You guys are so dense!" Pearl said, shaking her head. "Alright. Here's the favor you owe me!" She looked at Grian. "Or, it's a dare, now."

"Great," Grian deadpanned. "Well, get on with it. We've been sitting her for eternity already!"

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