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Original Summary: Joel almost drowns :o

Original Notes: Hi all! I have so much lore planned out for this chapter, and then I realized that I DIDN'T WRITE THAT SKIING CHAPTER I WANTED TO. That'll probably be the next chapter now. Even though they all went camping, that doesn't mean they can't ski the next week, doesn't it? :D

The timeline isn't perfect, ok???

Yes the skiing chapter has Flower Ranchers in it finally >:D

"Wow!" Scar exclaimed when they reached the campsite. They were the first ones there. "This is cool!"

"There's still snow on the ground," Grian grumbled, kicking a pile.

"You're the one who wanted to go camping," Scar pointed out. "Now, how do we set up this tent?"

"Here, I'll show you," Grian said, picking up a black pole. Scar tried to pay attention, he really did, but Grian was making no sense and the poles looked the same and ooo there was a pretty bird there-

"Scar," Grian said, sidling up to him. "You didn't hear anything I just said, did you?"

"Nope," Scar said sheepishly. Grian rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. He gave Scar a small kiss and turned back to the half-built tent.

"Can you hold that bit please?" He asked, pointing to a long pole. Scar held it, watching as Grian did some sort of trick to get it to connect with the other three poles and really, nothing made sense at this point.

"Hello!" Bdubs called as he walked into the camp. "Wow! This is one large campsite!"

"I know right?" Grian said, motioning to the whole clearing. "And there's a river and a lake nearby."

"Shoulda told me," Bdubs said, still looking around. "Then I would have brought my fishing rod over."

"I think you can rent some in the check in cabin," Grian said, fumbling with some sort of nail-looking thing. "Say, are you parking or were you dropped off?"

"Parked," Bdubs said. "Wait. Does this place charge a fee for parking?"

"Yeah, it does," Grian said, finally done pounding the nail into the ground. "And you have to check in to let them know you're staying."

"Be right back!" Bdubs called, dropping his bags on a bench. "I have to go check in!"

Gem was the next to arrive. Grian was examining an old barbecue when she walked into the campsite. Scar was unpacking some snacks, and Bdubs was unfolding some clothed foldable chairs.

"Hello!" she called. "I found my tent!" she dropped her luggage onto another bench that wasn't occupied by food and Bdub's stuff. "Can we go fishing later? I brought my fishing rod!"

"Sure," Grian replied, poking the barbecue. It was a bit rusty, but it was still usable. However, Grian didn't know how to cook or grill, so he would have to leave that to someone else. Hopefully, at least one of the people in the group chat knew how to make food without setting the whole camp on fire.

"Great!" Gem declared, sitting down on one of the foldable chairs. "When are the others getting here?"

"Soon, hopefully," Grian said, stretching and leaving the barbecue. He then walked over to water spout and turned it on a few times.

"Check Desert Duo Ship," Bdubs suggested. "Someone must have texted since I left."

"Okay," Gem agreed, pulling out her phone.

[Lizzie]: We're almost there!

[Gem]: We?

[Lizzie]: Me and Joel

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