Random Stuff Happens

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What did I tell you? Best name ever.

Original Summary: Grian is trapped bc of an avalanche everyone plays hermitcraft and people think Jimmy and Tango are soulmates.

YES SCOTT WILL APPEAR, just like, five chapters later bc that's when the vote happened  >:)

[Grian]: Can't host Double Life this weekend

We're going on a short road trip

[Bdubs]: I don't think we can play double life at all if someone's going solo, can we?

it would completely mess up the game

[Grian]: true

I guess we just can't play this weekend then

[Tango]: we should all get together for another hermitcraft game then

[Joel]: ooo yes let's do that

maybe then I can figure out who's killing all the horses

I mean like save some for me to kill

[Bdubs]: You're a sick man Joel

[Grian]: you still don't know?

[Joel]: We haven't played since then ok?

we've been so focused on LIFE

[Gem]: well, life is cool

I'm sad I can't join I'm still in Hawaii

[Lizzie]: I'm coming back tomorrow

Do you think I can join or does the solo thing mess things up again

[Grian]: I think if u wanted to join you would need a soulmate and Gem is still away

maybe when Gem comes back?

[Gem]: I won't be back for a while

We want to make the most of the vacation

We don't do "short" trips

[Grian]: short road trips are amazing!

you should try them sometime

[Lizzie]: I'm back!

[Joel]: you're lucky you came back on a Friday AND you don't have to attend school bc of jet lag

I am suffocating in here

[Jimmy]: Joel you're outside

you have PE right now

AGAIN, how did you sneak your phone onto the field

[Joel]: I'm just that good

[Jimmy]: It's not raining again is it

[Joel]: nah

It's all sun and shine out here

[Jimmy]: I'm pretty sure that's not a saying Joel

[Joel]: who cares

Saying no saying I can still say it

[Jimmy]: true true

[Grian]: Ooo where I am it's snowing

is it snowing over there

[Scott]: not yet

where r u?

[Grian]: west

[Scott]: Grian that isn't an answer

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