When LIFE gives you soulmates (I chuck smalletho and scarian at you)

Start from the beginning

"Are you insulting my amazing building skills?" Joel demanded.

"I would never," Etho denied. Joel gave him a calculating look followed by a suspicious look that ended with a glare. Even if they weren't in the same room, Joel could certainly spam emojis at Etho in the game. A genius design made by Lizzie, by the way.

"We should all come up with names," Impulse suggested.

"Oh yeah," Grian said. "Good idea."

"We're the Boat Boys!" Joel declared. "First Flying Pigs, now the Relation Ship!"

"Alright," Grian said. "I'll write it down."

"The Ranchers," Jimmy suggested for him and Tango.

"I like it," Tango agreed. Jimmy sent a happy emoji in the game. (Everyone would later thank Lizzie for the great addition. After all, everyone loves emojis).

"The Homewreckers!" Bdubs volunteered for him and Impulse. They got along amazingly.

"Alright," Grian said, looking thoughtful. "Hey Scar, want to be the Desert Duo V.2?"

"YES PLEASE," Scar said. "Even if it's just in the game, the desert is still WAY better than the stinking snow," he pouted.

"Ha," Grian laughed. "I heard you fell in it!"

"And I heard you were cold," Cleo countered. "I think Scott, Pearl, Martyn and I should be the Divorce Quartet or Divorcee Gang or whatever."

"Interesting," Scott said. "But also accurate."

"I'm fine with whatever," Pearl said, shrugging.

"I'll go with it," Martyn said.

"Ooo," Joel suddenly interjected. "We could also call me and Etho "Smalletho"! Like, we can be Boat Boys, and Boat Gang, and Smalletho, and the Rocket Boys, and-"

"We get it," Grian said, amused. "You are the Boat Boys, Gang, Smalletho, and Rocket Boys."

"We could also be the Power Couple," Impulse said.

"Ooo, I like that," Bdubs agreed. "The Homewreckers and the Power Couple."

"Horse Bros for us," Ren and BigB said together.

"Great!" Grian cheered. "We all have names now!"

"I want to get back to feeding my Jellies," Scar said. "Look how cute she is! Oh who's a cute Jelly, you are!"

"Scar," Grian sighed, exsasperated. "Please leave your Jelly talk off mic."

"Whatever you want," Scar said, spamming shrugging emojis.

"Ship," Gem whispered to Pearl and Lizzie.

"Ship," they agreed.


"Well, I'm off to fight the warden for real this time," Etho said, throughing out there one second and disappearing the next.

"AGAIN?" Joel demanded, exasperated. "Didn't you already do that the first time?"

"Yeah, but for real this time," Etho grumbled. "Mumbo ended the session on me."

"Oh yeah," Joel agreed. "That did happen."

A while later, Etho shouted an "Oh my," sounding a bit panicked.

"You okay?" Joel called.

"There are five wardens here!" Etho said, sounding WAY too calm in the context he was in.

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