Random Stuff Happens

Start from the beginning

[Grian]: it is an answer

[Scott]: That's not what I meant and u know it

[Grian]: I dunno ok

I have absolutely no idea where we are except that it's snowing

[Scott]: ...

open up maps on your phone

[Grian]: why

[Scott]: to check where u are?

[Grian]: what if I don't want to

my phone's on 34%

[Scott]: Grian I doubt that your phone will die just bc u opened maps

plus ur texting rn

that's probably eating up all ur battery

[Grian]: good point

goodbye then

[Scott]: rlly?



[Joel]: Weird conversation

Just came on

Grian share ur location so we can see where u r

[Scott]: Grian isn't online anymore

[Grian]: I'm back

[Scott]: dude it's been like

2 seconds

[Grian]: so?

[Scott]: what about ur battery

[Grian]: oh it's fine

it's at 27%

[Scott]: GRIAN

that's like 7% less than a minute ago!!!

[Joel]: ha

Grian ur phone hates u

[Grian]: :'(

[Pearl]: Who's house r we playing at

[Lizzie]: we should play in a coffee shop

it would be aesthetic

[Scar]: I don't think a coffee shop would appreciate a bunch of teenagers taking up space and screaming about fishing

[Skizz]: No Grian's not here this time there wouldn't be any screaming about fishing

[Gem]: ARGG you guys are having so much fun over there

[Joel]: Gem ur in Hawaii

how r u not having fun

[Gem]: I mean I'm having fun

just ur also having fun

[Cleo]: wow

Gem, ur a menace

[Gem]: thank you

[Etho]: I think only Grian's having a bad time

Grian is it still snowing where u are

[Scott]: I think Grian's phone is dead

[Joel]: ah yes


[Scott]: that's an interesting one

I agree though


[Etho]: #grianhasabadphone

[Gem]: we're doing this again?

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