Recreating Flying Pigs Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"Well, so am I!"

"You guys ready?" Grian asked, his hand tight around the launch button as everyone else settling in their places, gripping their fishing rods which were all attached to the boat.

"Yup!" Joel called. Etho's head was buried in his hands.

"Then we're launching in three... two... one... take off!" Everyone reeling in their fishing rods at the same time while Grian smashed his hand down onto the button with no mercy. This was always his favorite part. He loved pressing buttons.

Inside the boat-ship-submarine-rocket-thing, as Joel liked to call it, or the BSSRT, (Joel though BSSRT sounded a lot like DESSERT so he liked the name), Joel immediately started screaming. He gripped Etho's arm as they shot into the air.

They went even higher than Scar did yesterday, and Etho was already looking woozy while Joel screamed some more. When they landed back in Etho's backyard, Joel stepped out the the boat absolutely unfazed, even though Etho had to hold onto him as they walked.

"Amazing," Joel told Grian when he joined them again. "I loved it!"

"You were screaming through the whole thing," Etho managed to gasp out.

"No I wasn't," Joel denied. "That must of been you!"

"You do look a bit sick," Grian said. "You should sit down." Then, he turned to rest of the people. "Everyone," he shouted. "We're back to one person ship rides! Etho needs to rest!"

"Aww," Lizzie compained. "I wanted to go together!"

"Ha!" Joel called, already hooking his fishing rod back onto the empty machine. "We're the only boat duo in town! The boat boys!" He hollered at everyone as he climbed the scaffolding one-handed.

Etho just sat on the ground, looking sick.

They ran only two more tests before they perfected the machine.

The second run, Lizzie had boarded the flying pig and went even higher than Joel and Etho. She came back down spewing stories about stars.

It was then when Grian decided he wanted to try.

"Give the button to someone else, then," Mumbo told him, but Grian still clutched the button protectively.

"No way," Grian said, shaking his head. "That's the best part. If I give it to Jimmy, or Scar, or Joel, or even you everyone will probably mess it up."

"Hey!" Joel called from somewhere. Above him, maybe. "I detest that remark!"

"Then give it to someone you trust," Mumbo said, sighing. Etho was back on his feet again, so they were back to two-people rides.

"Fine," Grian grumbled. "Here you go."

"Aww," Mumbo said, smiling. "I promise I won't mess it up."

Grian ended up going with Scar. Unfortunately, Grian was sure Mumbo had messed it up somehow because he did not see stars and either that, or Lizzie was lying. He and Scar had sat in the ship peacefully until they went above the clouds. Then, Scar had started looking a bit uncomfortable and clutched Grian's arm.

"you okay?" Grian asked as they started to fall.

"Just a bit scared of heights," he replied, still clutching Grian's arm.

And Grian couldn't bring himself to care.

And maybe he even liked it.

(Though he would deny it if you asked, so DON'T ASK.)

[Grian]: haha

now we can brag to the amusement park that we are better than them

[Etho]: I didn't know that was your goal here

[Grian]: nah

it's just cool that we can do that now

[Lizzie]: <3 gotta love the Flying Pig Ship!

[Joel]: We should name the ship "Pig me up"

[Jimmy]: JOEL NO

I drew the pig I should get naming rights

[Joel]: Too bad

I already named him

[Jimmy]: Now I'm sad

[Grian]: Aww Joel you've made Jimmy sad now



[Joel]: #sadjimmy

[Jimmy]: #meanjoel

[Lizzie]: You have put me in a dilemma

I don't know which one to post




[Joel]: #sadjimmy pls

[Jimmy]: NO DO #meanjoel!!!

[Lizzie]: how 'bout neither

[Joel]: ...

[Jimmy]: ...

[Grian]: ...

just do both

[Lizzie]: ok!





[Grian]: haha

I luv this group chat

[Jimmy]: Grian I SWEAR you were talking about hating this group chat just yesterday

[Grian]: rlly?

I have no idea what ur talking about

[Joel]: ha


[Jimmy]: #shorttermmemorygrian

[Lizzie]: #shorttermmemorygrian

[Grian]: thank goodness no one else is online

[Scar]: #shorttermmemorygrian

[Mumbo]: #shorttermmemorygrian

[Gem]: #shorttermmemorygrian


[Grian]: We're going back to school in


5 hours

[Jimmy]: dude

why are you texting at 3 in the morning


[Grian]: I thought u changed ur ringtone

[Jimmy]: I can't

it won't let me


[Joel]: ha


[Grian]: #stupidjimmy

[Jimmy]: :'(

[Joel]: guess we're back to this


[Grian]: oh yeah :D



[Jimmy]: you guys are so mean I swear

[Joel]: aww, but you love us really!

We're the bad boys!

Original notes for this chapter: I have been sitting in this comfortable chair to write this story but while it is great for READING fan fiction, it is not so great for WRITING it and my arm hurts so much rn help

Funnily enough, I am literally sitting in the same comfortable chair writing this at this very moment XD

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