mario spaghetti funtime yay (SATIRE ONESHOT)

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Author's Note: This is an early April fool's special and is not meant to be taken seriously. Also this is the only time I will be writing smut, if you consider this one.

TW: Purposely badly written smut, and strange humor/topics.

Nobody's POV:

Mario walks up to Spaghetti, admiring their beauty from their meatballs to plate. He loved everything about Spaghetti, their beautiful golden locks of noodles that gleam majestically in the sunlight, their sweet, red marinara sauce, Spaghetti was just perfect the way they were and Mario loved everything about them.

"Um...hey Spaghetti..." Mario blushed. "I..would like to ask you, would you come over to my house and hang out?" Spaghetti looked at Mario and blushed as well. "Of course my dear! Let's a go!"

Then they both headed their way to Mario's musty ahh crib.

When they went to Mario's room, which was really freakin' messy if you ask me, Mario hopped onto his bed and gave Spaghetti a smug look.

"Hey babe wanna frick?" he asked with a sexy tone. Spaghetti blushed and hopped onto Mario's piss stained bed as well. "Oh yes, alpha!" they giggled.

Then Mario put his pingas, which was bruised like a peach from all the times it got stuck in doors, into Spaghetti. Spaghetti moaned in pleasure. "Agh~ alpha! Be gentle with my spaghettussy!"

Then they fricked eachother until the world spontaneously combusted and everyone died.
The End

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