A Year Ago... (Robowski)

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Author's Note:
One of my headcanons, which I might put in my Bob HCs chapter later on, is that the "DMCA incident" from the Lawsuit Arc is a highly triggering subject for Bob, since he was really distressed and anxious while the non Nintendo characters were gone and it was really difficult for him mentally without most of his friends.

Also TW for mentions of Bob's trauma and panic attacks.

Bob's POV:

"I feel like something happened today."

I thought to myself. I had no clue what I was thinking about and why I was thinking that, but it felt weird.

I checked my calendar...nothing specific was marked for September 24th..so why was I feeling this way? Ehh, it couldn't be that important, right? Nah...

I turned on my radio, and started playing the today's top hits. I always loved listening to music. I mean, come on. Why else would you think I chose to be a rapper of all possible careers?

After a few minutes, the station started an interview with someone very specific..

Funky Kong...

I thought about his current career as a music producer as well as an arms dealer and thought to myself, "Hm, I guess this would be interesting..."

The host asked Funky Kong about how he first started his career in the music industry, and he replied to her with,

"Oh. Well, I used to be a lawyer, but a year ago I wiped out a bunch of weirdos..."

"...a year ago..."


My eyes immediately filled with tears when I heard that. I knew it. It was that day... that horrible f*cking day that stressed me out like no other. Should've stayed curious..

I shut the radio right off as fast as I could. I didn't bother hearing the rest of Funky Kong's story.

I sat on the floor and brought my knees to my chest. My body was uncontrollably shaking. I began to cry. "Why did it have to be brought up again?" I sobbed. "It was just a year ago...but...it still hurts.."

I untied my bandana and held it in my nub hands. "You're not a Nintendo character anymore..." I tried to tell myself. "It will not happen again..." I tried my best to comfort myself that the tragic event won't ever happen again.

But I just got even more anxious. I needed someone. Although I was pretty crystal clear all my friends were alive, I just wanted to check on them. I took out my phone and texted messages to all my friends.

Rob's POV:

I got a text from Bob. I opened up the text notification, only to be left in pure concern.

💀 = Bob
🌽 = Rob

💀: are you ok
🌽:yeah im fine hbu
💀: i dont wanna be alone
🌽: do you need to talk about something?
💀: yes pls i just rlly need someone
🌽: im on my way
💀: k pls hurry im scared

I got in my corn truck and headed my way to Bob's hotel. "What on corn maze were they talking about?" I thought to myself. "I hope they're alright."

As I made it to Bob's hotel, I got another text message, but this time, it was from SMG4.

4️⃣ = SMG4
🌽 = Rob

4️⃣: hey is bob alright? me and the gang have been getting these strange text messages from them for the past like 25 min
🌽: yeah im at his hotel rn he said he wanted to talk
4️⃣: do you think it could be something about the lawsuit arc?
🌽: i honestly don't know but whatever it is they must be rlly upset about it

I headed inside the hotel. "Bob?" I called out. The hotel was closed, so nobody else was there. I headed upstairs and heard Bob sniffling and whispering stuff to themself. It seems that they'd been crying about something.

"Can I come in?" I asked softly. "Ok..." Bob sniffled from inside the room. I opened the door and saw Bob lying on the floor, shaking. His hair was messy and his bandana was on the floor. Aside from Bob's sniffles, the room was full silence.

I picked up the bandana. It was slightly stained from Bob's tears. I handed the bandana to them and they tied it around their neck. "Thanks..." they muttered.

I sat next to Bob. "What's the matter, cornpuff?" Bob looked at me with their bloodshot, puffy eyes and sniffled.

"There there my love, your partner's here now." I said comfortingly. I stroked their hair gently, trying to soothe them. Bob started to cry again.

"Oh Bob.." I sighed in sympathy. "I hate seeing my sweetheart so upset." Bob grabbed me as they sobbed their small ghosty heart out. "*sniff*...The...lawsuit...and...*sniff* ...the...DMCA...*sniff*" he choked out weakly. "Why does the thought of it still hurt?"

I hugged Bob. I stroked their hair again. "l'm here Bob...you're not alone.." I whispered. Bob leaned closer. "It was all just a year ago! I thought I would be over it by now." Bob said, shaking in my arms. "But no! Funky Kong was being interviewed...on the radio just now...and...*sniff*...he just HAD to bring it up!"

I continued to hold them in my arms, gently rocking their small, robed body back and forth. "My sweet heart, my love...I won't let anything happen to you.." I said softly.

Bob looked up at me, his face soaked in tears and snot. "You won't?" they whimpered. "I promise..." I replied.

After about 2 minutes, he started to calm down a bit. Bob looked at me. "Rob, can you please stay with me a bit more?" he asked. "I just don't wanna be alone.."

I stroked his cheek. "Of course." I answered. "Anything for my love."

We spent the rest of the night together playing video games and cuddling, knowing we will always be together...

SMG4 Oneshots/HeadcanonsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя