Out of It (Robowski)

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Author's note:
In case you don't know, for more context, I headcanon that bob has ADD and is on the autistic spectrum.
This was to honor the fact that Bob got redesigned over a year ago.

Bob's POV:

"Has it really been over a year already?" I thought to myself. It didn't feel like I had this redesign for more than a year, and lately, I couldn't really stop thinking about it all.

Even after taking my medications, my mind kept wandering away from reality. Even I had trouble talking about stuff with the gang because I had too much crap going on in my mind to think straight. I wanted to tell them about the fact that I'm still getting over this redesign, but although I didn't know why, it felt rather...personal.

"Bob!" SMG3 yelled, bulging into the guest room. He was very urgent and anxious. "Have you seen my notebook?!??"

"Yeah." I replied, only saying that and not even listening to him. SMG3 pulled me closer. "Where?" he yelled. "Uh, what?" I muttered.
"My notebook!!! Where is it?!???" I looked at him. "Oh, I don't know..."

"Then why did you say you did?!?!"SMG3 looked even more worried, and kinda pissed I said yeah even though I didn't know where his notebook was. "I didn't really hear you." I murmured.

"SMG3, we found your notebook." SMG4 called from the other room. "Oh thank bloody heavens." SMG3 sighed in relief and rushed out the guest room.

That night was movie night. As much as I loved movie night, I didn't focus on most of the movie because I still kept on thinking about my redesign and all that. It didn't matter, it was a movie that I already saw anyways.

"That was a great movie!" Meggy said happily. "Nice choice of movie SMG4." Tari explained. "Yeah, I loved it so much, right Bob?" Fishy Boopkins said as he turned towards me. I didn't say anything. I just sat on the couch and continued to fidget with my sleeves while talking to myself.

"Bob, are you ok?" Fishy Boopkins asked. "Bob, you've been acting strange today." SMG4 told me. I ignored everyone and kept thinking and talking to myself. "Mario got an idea!" Mario smirked.

"Hm, it was just a ye- wait, why does my hood feel wet?" I felt as if something cold and wet was pouring on me. I snapped out of my thoughts when I turned around and saw Mario pouring a cup of icy cold water on me and trying to get my attention, causing me to yelp, "Ack, what?" I shouted. Mario got startled and stopped pouring water on me.

l was soaking wet, and water got in my nostrils too. Ouch. I got up from my seat and looked at everyone as the cold water began dripping off the back of my wet hair and trickling down my neck. "Sorry about that, is everything ok, Bob?" SMG4 asked me. I finally answered everyone.

"Yeah...sorry. I guess I'm just tired. I think I should just...you know, get some rest and...call it a night..."

Everyone nodded. I headed back to the guest room. "Well, ok then..." SMG4 replied.

I sat down in my bed. I was so cold and wet. My clothes were still drenched from when Mario decided to pour that fricking cup of water on my head. "I guess I'll change into something else until my clothes are dry again." I sighed to myself as I wrung out my bandana.

Rob's POV:

I was just about to go to bed until I heard my phone ring. It was Bob, they were trying to Facetime me. l answered the Facetime.

"Good evening, Bob." I said. Bob sighed. "Sorry I disrupted you, can I talk to you about something..?" they asked in a quiet tone, then they added, "and please don't ask why I'm all wet, it's a long story."

Bob looked exhausted, and I could tell they needed to talk about something important. Like he said, his hair was all wet, and he was sitting alone in the guest room of the Showgrounds castle. They were also wearing this hoodie.

Author's note: Yes, it's a cookie run themed hoodie and I have this same hoodie in real life

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Author's note: Yes, it's a cookie run themed hoodie and I have this same hoodie in real life.

"Yeah, is there something wrong?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. Bob sighed again. "Mmph...not really..." they said softly. He wasn't crying, but it seemed like he was close to doing so.

"You can tell me anything Bob." I said in a comforting tone. "Ok." Bob sighed again.

"Remember, back in 2022? When I had my appearance changed from being a Garo model from Majora's Mask? Well, it's been a while obviously...and I still have these thoughts about it as if it happened about a week from today. I mean, it was over a fricking year ago! This shouldn't keep happening..."

"Listen Bob." I said. "It's nothing to be ashamed about. I know this is probably hard for you...but, we all have our thoughts and feelings about occasions like this. It's normal. Trust me. There's nothing to be anxious about, especially if it's not your fault."

Bob's eyes glow a bit more from under their hoodie. "Oh, thanks for understanding. I..kinda feel a bit more secure now." I smiled back at them. "You're welcome, love!" I said softly. Bob yawned, fidgeting with a strand of their fluffy hair. "I'm just glad you understand. I'll let you sleep now. hehe. Love you!"

"Love you more!" I said as we hung up and went to bed.

Bob's POV:

After talking to Rob, I felt a bit better with my emotions and thoughts. I lied down on the bed, playing with the puffballs on my hoodie's drawstrings. I really was tired, I felt my eyes close as I drifted off to sleep.

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