I'm Sorry (Platonic Injured! Bob x Reader)

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TW: Mentions of blood and injuries
Takes place after Mario's Train Trip

Y/N's POV:
Well, it was a blast at Uniderpal Studios. But now we were all tired, and ready to go home.

As we headed to the train station, we saw something familiar ahead. It was small, brown, and looked kind of spherical.

SMG4 and Mario started to panic when they recognised it was Bob. "UGH, CAN'T HE JUST LET US HAVE PEACE FOR ONCE?" Toad yelled, enraged. He charged after Bob, but I stopped him when I noticed something. Bob looked like as if he was badly injured.

I walked over to Bob. And he was.

The poor thing was sitting by the curb, shivering. His cloak was badly ripped up, with small bits of sand and dirt stuck in its cotton fibers. His swords were both dented. His leg bandages were peeling off. I turned to my friends. "He's hurt." I sighed sympathetically. SMG4 shrugged. "They could be faking it." he said, rolling his eyes.

Despite Bob's crazy love for attention, it seemed pretty obvious that Bob wasn't faking it at all. There wasn't a single way that he couldn't end up in the condition that he currently was in from his battle with Toad on the train.

I reached my arm out and held Bob's small, bruised arm. They pulled it away as they gasped and wheezed in pain. He turned towards me. "Bro, what the f**k was that for?" he snarled rudely.

Bob's condition looked even worse now that he was facing me. They had cuts, scrapes, and bruises covering their body. His hair was tangled and knotted, he had a bruise and a scratch on his left cheek, as well as a big mark on his forehead from when the overpass hit him. Their nose seemed to have been recently bleeding. He still had dried blood on his face, which dripped onto his cloak. If he wasn't a ghost and still alive, he probably would've succumbed to his injuries.

"I just wanted to be your friend, ok?" Bob grunted. He buried his face in his arms. He seemed to have learned his lesson. I picked them up. He looked down remorsefully.

SMG4 looked at me. "You sure this is a good idea?" he asked. "They literally tried to kill us." Bob sank their body into their cloak. "I didn't mean to...I just wanted to play with you guys... I'm sorry..." he muttered. I held their vulnerable body in my arms.

"A second chance wouldn't hurt." I said, as I grazed their hood gently. Bob muttered a bit.

As we got on the train, I sat next to Bob. They didn't look at me or anything. They still seemed to feel bad for what they did. He murmured to himself and looked at the window. Even though what happened earlier today was absolutely horrifying, I couldn't help but feel sympathy for them. All Bob really wanted was to not feel lonely anymore.

I looked at Bob, who let out a heavy, grieving sigh. "You're really cool, you know that, right?" I affirmed them, knowing that they obviously needed some affection from how they were currently feeling. They still didn't look at me. "Really?" I heard them whimper. Just by the way Bob's voice cracked when they said that, I knew that they were crying.

He looked down, not wanting anyone seeing him cry in public. I heard him choke out a small sob and watched a tear fall from his face and land on the leather seat. I put my hand on his head. "Yeah." I smiled. "I promise, you can always talk to me when needed, buddy." I heard Bob purr a bit, he seemed to feel a bit more safe and supported. "Thank you.." he whispered softly.

I felt his cold, fragile nub hand grip tightly onto my hand. It was usually covered up by his long sleeve, but his sleeve was torn up, exposing a wounded nub hand underneath.

I gently stroked his hand, trying to avoid the wounds, letting him know that he was safe, and not alone. "Your hand is warm..." he muttered softly. I smiled.

About 20 minutes later, I felt Bob rest his small head on my shoulder and fall asleep. Even though his face was stained with dry tears and blood, and being in terrible condition overall, he still looked so peaceful. I stroked his chubby cheek. I hugged him gently, as I watched the moon shine out the window.

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