👻🎤Bob Headcanons 👻🎤

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• ageless (mostly due to him being a ghost)

•they/he pronouns


•bisexual with female preference

•irish/canadian ethnicity

•autistic (even though its implied, i'm still gonna mention it here cuz why not)

•has ADD (attention deficit disorder)

•plus sized (even though im pretty sure this is also canon)

•has long, purple hair tucked under his hood that he usually keeps in a messy ponytail (although bob canonically has really fluffy hair, as seen in the mario carnival)

•really sensitive guy, he cries very easily

•sometimes he takes his swords out of his sleeves when he is not using them

•has nubs for hands (like Kirby)

•doesn't like being yelled at or when other people yell in front of him

•has sharp teeth

•has pointed elf ears (this is mostly due to bob being based off a legend of zelda character, which 99% of the characters are elflike or fairylike)

•squishy, similar to a squishmallow

•will sometimes rub or fidget with his cloak or hair when he's stressed, having a meltdown, etc.

•secretly likes headrubs (its a comfort thing)

•since he's a ghost, he doesn't remember how or when he died, and prefers not to remember

•sensitive to strong temperatures, and gets cold easily, mostly because he's a ghost

•has this one "🥺" face that he would sometimes make when he doesn't get his way

•his favorite pokemon types are ghost and fairy

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