Guilt (Prt 2) (Robowski)

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Yeah this continues the previous chapter

TW: Low Self esteem

Bob's POV:

I woke up back in my room. I realised my cloak and bandana were missing, revealing my white tanktop underneath. My swords were sitting on the dresser next to me. Rob walked in with my clothes. "You feeling ok?" he asked, concerned. I sat up and put my cloak back on and tied my bandana around my neck. I buried my chin into my oversized sleeves. "I had to wash your clothes because you threw up on the-"

"Yeah, yeah I know!" I interrupted them, not wanting to be reminded because I was already pissed off enough at myself.

I pouted and sank my face into my fluffy cloak. I don't let anyone wash it much. Even though I really like the aftermath, because my cloak always feels so soft afterwards.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Rob asked me. "No!" I yelled from under my sleeves. Rob sat by me, they know when I'm in a bad mood. "You sure-" "I'm ok!" I yelled, interrupting Rob again.

He put his hand on me. I didn't react. I didn't even make that cute squeaky sound that I usually make when I get cuddled with that Rob loves so much. "You're clearly not ok, Bob." he said. "You didn't throw up and faint out of the blue. You need to let your feelings out if you don't want that happening again."

"Alright, fine!" I muffled. I flopped my sleeve covered arms down and turned to the scarecrow. I gulped, knowing that it's difficult for me to do these things. I let my feelings out as fast as I could, wanting to get it done with already.

"I just wanna be good enough for everyone! It's not fair! Why does everything bad happen to everyone, and I'm the one to blame? I don't know why this is happening, but it sucks that I feel this way, and I really don't like it! I don't wanna feel this way! It hurts! It freaking hurts! Just let me change for the better so that everyone, including me, can finally stop suffering from my own selfish doings!"

When I was done, my eyes immediately watered. I clenched them shut, trying to hold my tears inside my eyes. "No, no no!" I yelled. "I can't cry now! I've been trying to cry less often because I don't wanna be such an an emotional wimp!"

Rob put their hand on my chin. "You're not an emotional wimp, Bob." he affirmed me. "Let it out. I understand." That's when the waterworks started forming even more, to the point where I was unable to hold them in anymore. I gave up.

I collapsed into Rob's arms and started crying. I felt him hug me. I started out with soft whimpers, then sobs, then heavier sobs, then straight out bawling, then to the point where the whole room echoed with my hysterical crying.

I looked up at Rob. My vision fogged up from my tears, which soaked my face, and some even got on Rob as well. But he didn't mind, he rubbed my wet cheek as I kept on crying.

They whispered affirmations such as, "I love you so much." "I'm so proud of you." "You're the cutest thing in the entire world." "Everything will be ok."

He reached over and handed me a tissue box so I could wipe the mucus that dripped down my nose.
(I'm pretty sure Bob has a nose under their hood, right?)
I just didn't wanna wipe it with my sleeve, thinking it could ruin my cloak. I was crying so much that I used up the entire box almost immediately.

After I cried for a bit longer, I felt the tears come to an end. I looked up and Rob and shivered a bit under my cloak. I felt their hand brush my hood. You feeling better, Bobcorn?" he asked in a soft tone. Rob likes giving me cute nicknames. Most of them, obviously, are at least some way related to corn. I fidgeted with my sleeves.  "*sniff* A wittle..." I replied. Because I cried so much, my vocal cords were a bit shaky.

Rob smiled at my cuteness. "You're ok, love." they cooed softly. "How about we get some takeout to pipe you up. Wanna get sushi for dinner tonight?" he asked. "Yes pwease.." I mumbled, smiling a bit now that I was starting to feel better again.

He headed out and I snuggled with a plushie and watched YouTube on my iPad to keep me busy.

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