Comfort (Bomg1)

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Ive seen a few people ship this, and tbh, it is kinda cute.

Takes place during the genesis arc, Everyone is still in their redesigns though.

TW: Meltdowns and slight blood


We all blasted out of the USB. I looked up and saw Mario floating above the castle under the hands of Zero. "Oh no.." I gasped. We couldn't let this happen. If Mario ends up dying, then it's over for SMG3 and 4's universe!

I looked over and saw the rest of SMG4's gang watching the castle in fear. Except for one member.

"Where's Bob?" I asked them, I stood up and brushed myself off. Everyone looked around, then back to me. "Oh crap." SMG4 said quietly.
SMG3 facepalmed himself. "Gosh darn it, did he wander off again?" he asked. I looked at the castle. "Maybe Bob's in there." I said, pointing to the castle. SMG4 looked at me worriedly. "I hope not." he said. "It's clearly not safe for him to be in there."

"I'll go look, just in case!" I said, running into the castle. "Be careful!" I heard SMG2 cry out from behind me.

I went inside the castle. It looked empty, Obviously because I just got in, and there's more than one room. I began to call out for the ghost. "Bob?" I called out. It was silent, aside from Zero's roars from outside the castle. I began to walk around. "Bob, please come out." I yelled. "It's not safe here and we don't want you getting hurt."

Then a loud smash echoed from one of the rooms.

I ran as fast as I could, hoping that Zero didn't break in and attack Bob or something. I opened the door, and turned on the light switch next to me.

Zero wasn't there, luckily. But the room was all messed up. Some of the furniture was damaged as well, which I could infer caused the loud noise. Bob was lying down in the corner, shaking. They had their hood pulled tightly over their eyes, as tears fell from underneath. I could hear him breathing heavily.

I walked over to Bob, knowing that continuing to yell and scream while he's having a meltdown will just upset him even more.

All the incidents that were happening recently have been insanely stressful for Bob. Especially from the fallout shelter that he had to stay in for hours. Poor guy must've been overstimulated as heck in there.

I sat down next to the vulnerable phantom. Bob still had their hood held over their eyes. "Bob, it's just me." I whispered. Bob sat up and turned the opposite way of where I was sitting. He mumbled under his breath.

I saw a red puddle next to him. "Hey, um." I said, "I think you're bleeding." He looked at the puddle. His eyes immediately shot open. Drops of blood fell from their face and into the puddle. He held on tighter to his hood. The tears in his eyes formed even more. "I'm bleeding! I'm f**king bleeding!! AHH~ AAAAHH!" he cried. I didn't know that ghosts even HAD blood.

I turned his body towards me. "Hey, it's ok. It's just blood." I said, pulling a tissue out from my bag.

I held his bangs away from the bleeding wound on his forehead. I put the tissue on his forehead. I held Bob's sleeve-covered nub hand to comfort them, avoiding the swords. Bob clenched his eyes shut in pain, more tears streamed down his chubby cheeks. "Oww...oww...owww!" he cried loudly. "You're ok." I said. Once the bleeding stopped, I bandaged up his wound.

Bob let go of his hood. Its fabric was scrunched up from their tight grip. He fluffed up his hood and buried his face into his arms as more tears fell from his eyes.

I patted their head gently. "Hey, buddy, it's ok." I said. Bob looked at me, breathing heavily as he fidgeted with his cloak's fluffy cotton fabric.

I helped him calm down with the method that me and Spudnick did together when either one of us had a meltdown.

"Breathe in....and out...." I whispered, taking slow deep breaths. Bob repeated my actions. Bob and I repeated this several times together until they stopped crying and were fully calmed down. I wiped away the last tears from his eyes.

"You're very brave, you know that?" I affirmed them. Bob looked at me. "I-I am?" they muttered. I nodded, patting his head gently. "Yes, very."

I stood up. "Now let's get out of here. Everyone else is waiting for us." Bob smiled and followed me out of the castle.

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